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Happy Fish Friday!
I have had to abandon my home on Universeadon due to poltergeists and am back where I started almost exactly 2 years ago at Mastodon Party. Hope it is stable here as this was a pain. You may all forward my house warming gifts to my new home!!! As my thank you gift in return, here is a Pleco on a hand made Carousel...

Find me on #Ebay!!โ€ฆ
#tropicalfish #aquarium #FishFriday #pets #fishofmastodon

Awesome #podcast here reporting on the hellish, desperate trip migrants from all over the world go through, chasing a better life.
America's cruel #migration settings are the reason these desperate people have to risk their lives in the #Darien gap.
Both parties are locked in a xenophobic, fascist approach to the border and its racist policy. You currently can't vote for humane border policy in the US. I hate that the dignity of migrants is a political football.โ€ฆ
This entry was edited (4 months ago)


โ€œAnyone who wants to be president of the United States & uses this kind of violent rhetoric is CLEARLY disqualified & unqualified to be president.โ€

We must stop this felon, now. #trump #press

Five stars: "The Enormous Radio" by John Cheever (1947) was published originally in the May 17, 1947 issue of The New Yorker. In it a family buys a new, expensive radio and weird stuff happens that is probably more recognizable to a modern audience than it's original readership.โ€ฆ


bookstodon group reshared this.

Y'all need to stop trying to paint pro-racism white women as the victims. They're not the victims. They're the perpetrators of about half the racism experienced by Black folk.๐Ÿ™‹๐Ÿฟโ€โ™‚๏ธโ€ฆ

I'll never understand why y'all convince yourselves election after election that white women are finally going to vote overwhelmingly against fascism, and why y'all get mad at me when I say "No they wont!" and why y'all are genuinely surprised every time when they choose fascism again.


in reply to mekka okereke

How many "white woman goes racist" videos do y'all need to see before you believe Black folk that these women don't need to be coerced to act this way?

Half of the time I've had to deal with a racist white woman, her husband has been level-headed and super embarrassed, trying to make sure that they don't wind up on the next viral video.๐Ÿคท๐Ÿฟโ€โ™‚๏ธ

Racist people come in all genders. All. Genders.

About half of US racists are women. Women are not less likely to be racist.

I said what I said.


in reply to mekka okereke

I have a mixed race friend who had a southern redneck (his words) grandmother. You canโ€™t ever hear stories about her and think white women are innocent. She was racist to her own grandkids.

That, and who is in all those pictures spitting on the Black girls integrating schools? White women.

David Plouffe wrote on X that late-deciding voters are โ€œbreaking by double digitsโ€ for Kamala Harris, with โ€œthe remaining undecideds looking more friendlyโ€ to them than Donald Trump.

Politico: โ€œHis comments echo those shared by senior campaign officials earlier Friday on a call with reporters.โ€

#NaziTrump #GOPWeirdos #DonaldTrump #TrumpWillLose2024 #Project2025 #NoRepublicansEverAgain #VoteBlueUpAndDown #USPol

in reply to Democracy Matters

Still, donโ€™t take anything for granted and VOTE. I still have PTSD from 2016โ€™s overconfidence.


They didnโ€™t stop abortion
They stopped safe abortion.
They didnโ€™t ban books
They banned thinking.
They didnโ€™t burn witches
They burned women.


Yesterday, @aaron.rupar of Public Notice & David Nir, our publisher, held a live discussion asking, "Can American democracy survive a full-scale assault?" They talk voter suppression, election subversion, Trump's dark plans & more. Watch the full event here!โ€ฆ

A survey of OBGYNs in Texas found that 72% of respondents agree or strongly agree that current laws prevent them from providing optimal medical care. A majority fear repercussions.

76% strongly disagree or disagree that they can follow best practices or evidence-based standards.

More than 1 in 5 said theyโ€™ve considered leaving Texas, and 1 in 50 said they already have.

More than 1 in 10 said they plan on retiring early, while 1 in 25 said they are no longer practicing obstetrics. 1 in 30 are leaving medicine entirely.


in reply to E Rosalie

The brain drain is real. Not all doctors will leave, but many of the smartest ones will. I'd sure as heck get out if I were in that situation. Now. As a potential patient, which state would you rather live in.

Just another aspect of this cold civil war we're in

Alberta doesn't pay into CPP. Individual Canadians do and each individual Canadian pays the same premiums and get the same benefits no matter where they live. Danielle Smith wants you to believe that Alberta, a province with 12% of the population and 16% of the contribution, can walk away with 53% of the fund because that's "just math".

There is no money to pay for Smith's touted $1,425 saving or $5,000 retirement bonus, because there is no $334 billion transfer amount.โ€ฆ

psychology group reshared this.

Probe launched after MAGA property manager brags he voted for Trump 6 times: report - Raw Storyโ€ฆ

Probe launched after MAGA property manager brags he voted for Trump 6 times: report - Raw Storyโ€ฆ

in reply to Tom Grzybow

Can't "like" this, but not surprised. The "regular" Israeli seems to think this doesn't actually happen or concern them. While some have told me they don't think Palestinians are human (!), most others say these extremists are a small minority and ignore how much power they already wield.
in reply to Tom Grzybow

The "extremists" are in power, and define the face of the country.

