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#FrancescaCaccini 1587–1640?

Sinfonia - 'Cosi perfida Alcina' /La liberazione di Ruggiero dall'isola d'Alcina: Scena I., 1625/


#musik #music #musique #musica #classicalmusic
#baroquemusic #FCaccini…

classicalmusic group reshared this.

in reply to Sander Meijer

The 2 new nodes installed and shut down, so they can be build into the rack (cramped!).

No more vowels left, so will have to resort to emojis for future nodes.

#Proxmox #Homelab #Selfhosting

This entry was edited (3 weeks ago)
in reply to Sander Meijer

Finally found the time to put them in the rack, include them in monitoring and migrate the first VMs onto them. Memory usage of the original 4 looks much healthier now.

#Proxmox #Homelab

I have (re)made peace between #Docker and #IPv6 on my network, after it all broke when I put some #Proxmox VMs in the middle a few months back. This time _for sure_.

Yacht: Management GUI für Docker

Mit Yacht kannst du deine eigene Management GUI für Docker aufsetzen! Verwalte zentral all deine Docker-Container und nutze Portainer-kompatible Templates, um ganz einfach neue Apps einzurichten.

#Docker #GUI #Linuxür-docker

Apache and the LAMP Stack: A Guide to the Backbone of Modern Web Hosting

In the world of web development and hosting, the acronym LAMP—which stands for Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP—occupies a central role. This open-source technology stack has been a cornerstone of the internet since the early 2000s, offering an accessible, flexible, and proven platform for running dynamic websites and applications.

Read More:…

#Apache #Web #Hosting #HTML #OpenSource #Computer #Science

Fact Checking the Fediverse. These accounts help you to stay informed and combat misinformation! 💡

➡️ @mediabiasfactcheck - Bias and Credibility of media outlets from around the world.
➡️ @fact-check-ElectionCentral - facts from quality sources, as curated by Flipboard's human editors.

#FakeNews #FightFakenews #FactChecking #Fediverse

This entry was edited (3 weeks ago)

WordPress : Automattic annonce baisser drastiquement sa contribution au code libre…

in reply to Thomas


J'espère que quand fork il y aura (j'imagine que ça va se faire), la gouvernance sera vraiment bien gérée par la communauté... Wait & see..

This entry was edited (3 weeks ago)

in reply to nixCraft 🐧

And now we wait for actually useful software, without (quality) compromises.
in reply to nixCraft 🐧

Support software freedom and use the money you save on #SaaS and subscriptions to donate (if you can afford it) to the hardworking people developing and maintaining you're software stack!

Le syndicat enseignant SNALC invite un instructeur du RAID aux idées d'extrême droite pour parler violences à l'école

#SNALC #ExtrêmeDroite

Le 23 janvier, le SNALC Créteil organise une journée de formation autour du thème " Faire face à la violence ". Mais un communiqué signé par plusieurs syndicats de Seine-Saint-Denis s'émeut. Le SNALC a décidé d'inviter un ancien brigadier major de la bac ainsi qu'un médiatique ancien instructeur du Raid aux idées d'extrême droite, Robert...…

in reply to Le Père Peinard

Ça fait bien longtemps que le Snalc est l'ennemi de l'École publique.
Là le syndicat fait sécession avec les valeurs de la République et agit comme une milice.

gouache chicken no 70

Playing with shadow shapes.

This one took me 2.5h, price is 2.5 x *your hourly wage*. DM me if you want it, A5 size (paper size, image itself a bit smaller).

#mastoArt #100chickenSketches #animalArt #gouache #painting #watercolor #chicken #birds #sketch

Internet honours passing of popular Edmonton service dog Kuno | CityNews Edmonton…



Casas Viejas : quand le front populaire assassine les libertaires

#Anarchisme #Espagne

Dans la nuit du 10 janvier 1933, à Casas Viejas (Cadix), des journaliers proclamèrent le communisme libertaire. Entre le 11 et le 12, la Garde civile et la Garde d'assaut réprimèrent dans un bain de sang, exécutant 23 habitants, femmes et enfants compris.
Sous les ordres d'Azaña, figure du Front populaire, les forces républicaines appliquèrent une répression brutale. " Tirez-leur dans le ventre et laissez-les mourir en souffrant ", aurait-il ordonné....…

in reply to Le Père Peinard

Le Front populaire n'existait pas encore en 1933, Azaña c'était plutôt l'équivalent espagnol du Parti radical mais pas tellement plus. Ensuite en 1936 il revient à la tête du gouvernement avec une vraie coalition "Front populaire"... On connaît la suite.

#Anarchisme #Espagne

In the race for internet fame, are we losing our intellectual spark? Why optimising for social media success might be sacrificing genuine human complexity.…

in reply to JA Westenberg

That’s why Twitter and META tools, notorious for enabling internet fame, were, even before the recent events, a toxic space.
in reply to JA Westenberg

There’s something even more important here - when your aunt, or a professor ramble (think out loud), what makes it interesting is not their telling you something - but rather you caring enough to listen, try to understand, and then challenge them and have them challenge you back.

It’s not just your aunt, with years if curiosity, positing something to ponder - it is the *process* of

• caring,
• listening,
• checking (friendly skepticism),
• ally-challenging


Mastodon auf, Nase von Musk gesehen, Mastodon zu. Müssen wir den unbedingt hier replizieren, reicht doch, wenn man es jeden Tag in der Presse sieht, oder?

Meta and Amazon axe DEI programmes joining corporate rollback…


#AlbanBerg 1885 – 1935

#PianoSonata, Op. 1 (ca. 1907-1908)

#MariaYudina #Piano /rec 1964/

#musik #music #musique #musica #ABerg
#classicalmusic #modernistmusic…

classicalmusic group reshared this.

Temple of Poseidon is one of the most important monuments from the Golden Age of Athens. It is perched on the edge of a cliff, located 70m above the sea, located at Cape Sounion 🇬🇷

Built in 5th Century BC, the temple is in the typical Greek hexastyle - featuring six doric columns on the front portico. 16 out of the original 38 columns are still standing today, and they were 20ft tall.


Glyn Moody reshared this.




#Bird #Photo