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Intership/Stipend/Residency: Promote Decentralized Social Media

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friendica (DFRN) - Link to source

Activersity - A University for Activists

Activersity is a young project aiming to become a "University for Activists". How to go from messaging group to NGO, and everything in between. Here, people can learn about historical social movements – successful and failed. They learn how to form sustainable alliances, distribute tasks, tax declarations, strategic planning, and more.

The first module of our curriculum is ready, we're working on the second (of about 10), and we are now welcoming volunteers and interns interested in

a) growing the activersity by translating texts, desigining posters, editing podcasts, organizing events
b) campaigning for people to move from billionaire held social media to decentrialized, people-held social media.
c) promoting civic engagement and activism

Check out our website:

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