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I wish writers would stop writing what they know. The author’s alter ego as protagonist, a main character who’s a writer – it’s so oh-no-here-we-go-again unimaginative. This book was almost good. Inside it, a great short story is waiting to get out.


Kevin Bowersox reshared this.

in reply to Ciara

Mild spoiler alert, spicyness

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in reply to Enia Titova

Mild spoiler alert, spicyness

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in reply to MikeDunnAuthor

And when you try to schedule adequate coverage, you're considered wasteful.
in reply to MikeDunnAuthor

I tried to see if I could find this as a sticker because it's extremely relevant to a good friend's workplace, so I tried searching "nogamejerry stickers". Google served me "Tom and Jerry stickers". Fuck you Google.

Kevin Bowersox reshared this.

My third observation from DNC is something many apparently missed. I learned that some networks did not cover this brief appearance. Life-long Republican and TV host Ana Navarro delivered a blistering skewering of Trump in her very brief remarks, a mini-speech

If you missed it, I'll post link to it

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Kevin Bowersox reshared this.

The Commemorative to Enslaved Peoples of Southern Maryland in Lexington Park, Maryland#memorials #monuments #history #slavery #section-Atlas

Kevin Bowersox reshared this.

Kevin Bowersox reshared this.

Are folks leaving Twitter again? Neat! Not sure what’s happening, but if you’re new here, welcome!

My name is Veronica, I explain retro and Linux things on YouTube and a Fediverse-joined video service called PeerTube. You can follow and comment on my videos right from Mastodon/etc by following @veronicaexplains.

I joined the fediverse after Musk said he’d buy Twitter, so like 20 years now? Anyway, there’s life after Twitter, I’ve experienced it, so welcome!

#welcome #linux #retrocomputing

in reply to Veronica Explains

It's because most of us are tired of using big social media companies. Mastodon is different and better.
in reply to Veronica Explains

birdsite toddler antics + exodus, ukpol

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Kevin Bowersox reshared this.

If your hero expects you to serve as an ablative surface between themselves and the consequences of their actions, they do not deserve to be your hero

Kevin Bowersox reshared this.

in reply to Jason Lefkowitz

I understand the context, but man this also serves as writing advice.
in reply to Jason Lefkowitz

@dysfun I mean, this is also just standard arms race stuff and it happens all the time in real life. In Star Trek, shields gave a certain kind of protection that provided an expectable rate of narrative tension. The Borg weren't an alpha quadrant species and had weapons that shields didn't handle, and thus the debacle at Wolf 359. So ships were designed differently to handle the threat, and "Oh, we just fixed the shields" is both boring and suggests redesign wasn't necessary.

Kevin Bowersox reshared this.

Quick poll on my random idea: a search engine funded by tax dollars

  • Like it (44%, 47 votes)
  • Neutral (21%, 23 votes)
  • Don’t like it (6%, 7 votes)
  • Unsure / Tell me more (26%, 28 votes)
105 voters. Poll end: 4 weeks ago

in reply to james

very good call out!

What’s an institution that you would be in line with vs one that’s an outright “no” for you?

in reply to Shaun (he/ him)

I feel like Library of Congress would be a logical choice. Maybe something quasi-governmental like a national lab with a stable but not permanent university affiliation.

The list of outright nos would be … long. Starting with military or Homeland Security, I guess.

in reply to J Miller

@JMMaok @james I like the notion, in theory; I guess as a practical matter, I'd be worried about 'politicizing' the LOC. What we've seen so far of Nazi dinguses trying to turn libraries into a new front in the culture war disgusts me, and I'd hate to see Heritage asshats set their sights on the LOC...

Kevin Bowersox reshared this.…

M. I. Verras is playing Genesis' "Firth of Fifth". All rights go to Genesis band and their estate.

#genesis #rockmusic #progressive #music #musictok #rock #band #70s #piano #musician

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What does this mean?

Does this cartoonist not know the difference between eggs and embryos? Or am I missing something?

#uspol #PoliCartoon

Kevin Bowersox reshared this.

I can get this printed on a yard sign, but will my neighbors get the joke, even this old joke?

in reply to Dgar…

Kevin Bowersox reshared this.

Food company profit increases since inflation peaked:

Cheesecake Factory +471%
Cal-Maine +268%
Jack In The Box +213%
Chipotle +110%
Starbucks +47%
Sysco +43%

How much did they collectively spend on stock buybacks? Over $10 billion.

They used inflation as cover to get rich.

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in reply to Robert Reich

According to Brahmin David Brooks, there's no such thing as greedflation and anyone who says there is is "economically illiterate." This from the putz who complained about a pricey burger at the airiport when it was actually his bar bill that was the problem.
in reply to Robert Reich

Nick Hanauer wrote a good article on the greed of price gouging corporations.…

Greedy CEOs have milked the average American household for $12,000 since the pandemic. As a businessman, I can explain how they’re doing it.

in reply to George Takei :verified: 🏳️‍🌈🖖🏽

Not even kidding, though: our homes are our habitats. Maybe the arrangement, amount, or condition of the furniture is somehow impeding you, be it by blocking natural light, hampering movement, or what have you, and (re)moving it could help.
in reply to George Takei :verified: 🏳️‍🌈🖖🏽

And then realise that the problem is systemic as fengshui encompasses the way things are arranged globally. This is why a lot of buildings in Hong Kong have massive holes in them; to let the qi flow through. Or to let dragons fly through, I don’t know. My interest in fengshui is purely cultural, not practical.

Aug 23
COS Comic Con
Fri 12:00 PM - Sun 5:00 PM
Kevin Bowersox
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Kevin Bowersox reshared this.

I mentioned this elsewhere, but I'll say it again because I'm not sure people know the story.

You know Redbox, right? The DVD kiosks? Redbox was founded in 2002. By McDonald's.

The original idea was that it would be an automated convenience store sitting outside McD's restaurants. You'd see it as you walked up or went through the drive-through, and maybe decide to buy milk or paper towels or shaving cream. Oh, and they rented DVDs, too.

It was a giant flop. McD's pulled the plug in 2003. But executives noticed that while people bought nothing else, they did like the DVD rentals. So out came the groceries.…

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

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in reply to Jason Lefkowitz

Completely unrelated, but: something about the way the woman in the above photo is dressed is blasting my brain back to every single party I attended in my 20s. I want to talk her into playing Smash Bros. Melee with me

Jason Lefkowitz reshared this.

in reply to Jason Lefkowitz

If you’re under age 25 or so yourself that’s probably where you came from. Why did you think they called it Smash Bros.
This entry was edited (1 month ago)

Jason Lefkowitz reshared this.