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Hey, gang! I made a blog!

(I'm extra proud of the comments via Mastodon. Please help me test it!)…

TFed reshared this.

in reply to James Endres Howell has moved!

hi from beamship 😂.

What app are you using? WriteFreely doesn't want to work this easy.

Nevermind, I see it 😁

This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to James Endres Howell has moved!

I can't get it to work. I am on, not It doesn't seem happy with that.
in reply to kryptec

@kryptec @oylenshpeegul Yes, precisely. The whole point is to factor out the entire functionality of "commenting" and delegate it to Mastodon.
in reply to λzyd

Unfortunate. I can't upload gifs/videos to your website lol
in reply to James Endres Howell has moved!

in reply to λzyd

The coffee was absolutely obliterated. My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined
in reply to James Endres Howell has moved!

Congratulations on the blog and the integration of Mastodon on it, I hadn’t heard of Emfed before. May I ask where the site is hosted? Since org-static-blog seems to generate a static site, I’d be happy to switch to it from a homebrew website.el script I have.
in reply to Bharath M. Palavalli

My email provider* allows me to store a modest amount of files, and configures easily to host web pages from those directories. I can mount those directories to my desktop and copy the static files over with a hook run after org-static-blog generates them. Another provider manages domain names and so forth.

It's all very (very) pack-your-own-parachute GNU/Linux Emacs guy #oldweb #digitalsovereignty #foss kinda deal

*with whom I was very happy until recent union-busting cruelty, and for whom I now withhold public endorsement as I search for a replacement. Recommendations welcome.

This entry was edited (4 weeks ago)
in reply to James Endres Howell has moved!

@bmp If you're referring to Fastmail, I suggest you do more research on the subject, they are not 'union busting'.

#fastmail #email

in reply to James Endres Howell has moved!

Oh? Which provider is this? I’m on Fastmail and they allow static hosting as well, for some strange reason I haven’t used that option. My static site currently runs out of GitHub, I’ve been meaning to move it to Codeberg or SourceHut but haven’t got around to actually do that.
in reply to Bharath M. Palavalli

@bmp I can see the advantages of either approach (Fastmail vs. the forges), and I trust sourcehut and Codeberg, but I just prefer to have multiple independent points of failure.
in reply to James Endres Howell has moved!

make that obviously, which I was even looking at when I typed. I guess bash scripts come before urls in my brain rolodex.
Unknown parent

All I can say is thank you so much, yet again, @louis, for making the space for this wonderful community.

I genuinely marvel at how much I have learned, and how fond I have become of so many of you, in the past year.

in reply to James Endres Howell has moved!

Very nice!

I've been using hugo for mine, but now that I know that org-static-blog exists, I'll have to check that out.

in reply to Mark T. Tomczak

@mark The code is transparent and squeaky clean. It does everything I want with zero cruft. I'm so happy I finally found it.