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Plasma 6.0 has been released. Check out the new overview, improved colour management, a cleaner theme, more effects, better overall performance, and much more.โ€ฆ


in reply to KDE

Congrats on the release, great to see KDE going from strength to strength. I like the subtle changes to the breeze theme.
in reply to KDE

Can someone explain to me why having a cube to rotate is better than the classic desktop switching views? ๐Ÿค”
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Wooohooo. Party time. ๐ŸŽ‰


This entry was edited (1 year ago)
in reply to KDE

"let you know when there is an update available without even requiring an internet connection."

How does that work. Because sounds implausible...

#linux #kde

in reply to KDE

Whoohoo! Does the cube have the configurable aquarium inside?
in reply to KDE

Can't wait to check this one out! Godspeed KDE!!
in reply to KDE

the alt text on the third screenshot is wrong, should be gwenview
in reply to KDE

I almost switched to KDE from XFCE because I wanted a desktop with a bit "more" but it ran like crap on my PC. Idk if it is because of KDE issues or my GTX 960 is just too old.
This entry was edited (1 year ago)
in reply to KDE

Sheen, this is the 7th week in a row you've reintroduced the desktop cube in class


in reply to KDE

That looks awesome! Makes me wanna ditch Windows and give (Arch?) a spin! ๐Ÿ”ฅ
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new wallpaper is ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ
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would I be correct in assuming that it's now available in the Arch repo?
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thanks good job! Still gonna use Gnome tho โค๏ธ
in reply to KDE

Congrats on the historic release, everyone!

Normally, this is where I'd say when it's dropping in Feren OS, but... due to current circumstances, the plans for when Feren OS moves to Plasma 6 are yet to be finalised.

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For me, the killer feature so far in #kde_plasma_6 is the huge performance improvement for screen sharing in #wayland
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It's such a shame i can't get to try it because i don't have a computer :/
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On that announcement page, on the video of the welcome screen for Plasma Mobile: the โ€œwifiโ€ screen renders only the title and a blank screen.
in reply to KDE

Congratulations on this milestone! Been hearing positive feedback from people whoโ€™ve used it already, canโ€™t wait to get my own hands on it :ablobcatbongo:
in reply to KDE

Plasma 6 is looking absolutely awsum. Aannd.. THE CUBE IS BACK !