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in reply to Tio

The more money you have to pay for the Driving License, The more money you have to make on the Job.

The more you work, the more you need a car.

The more cars we have, the harder the driving school will become.

The harder the schools become, The more money you have to pay for the Driving License. 🔄

#Trade #TradeRuinsEverything

This entry was edited (1 day ago)

Unisoft reshared this.

Roma reshared this.

We now have 6 servers dedicated to transcoding/transcribing our Peertube videos - thanks to @Alexio who is providing 4 of them! Peertube is now a complete replacement for Youtube and I will make sure to push it a lot more in terms of use and promotion! We need to get people to use it, else without content, it won't go anywhere....

Feel free to use our instance!

#peertube #youtube #video #opensource #foss

in reply to Dirk Maas

Oh you should for sure post on our instance. The "thematic" we "impose" is to say that we pretty much accept those kind of videos, but the rest that do not fit, we are going to be more lose about and allow them. For sure your videos can be posted on our instance. So feel free to join!
in reply to Tio

Account request was just submitted 🙂

Roma reshared this.

TROM II: The insane amount of e-waste -

If you imagine a pile of ewaste the size of a cruise ship, how many of these do you think we throw away every single year, globally?

#waste #ewaste #pollution #capitalism #trade #TradeRuinsEverything

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in reply to TROM

Can you provide the sources of the statistics please?
in reply to Cyberman

For sure. All sources are at but here is the exact one you may be looking for - scroll down to sources.
in reply to Tio

@tio @whattimeislove
Then presumably

Roma reshared this.

Just an image....saying so much...

#gaza #israel #war #trump #politics #wars

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Roma reshared this.

Here's a terribly depressing documentary -

About how boats with immigrants are sent back, capsized, and so on, just to prevent them from reaching Europe. Treating people like pigs used for consumption. Like meat.

But don't worry we have laws in place to prevent this....

#immigration #migrants #greece #europe

Newly added documentary on

Dead Calm: Killing in the Med?

Are masked men responsible for people dying as they try to cross the Mediterranean? This film reveals the dark secret hidden behind the beauty of Greece’s holiday islands.

Watch it here:

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in reply to Roma

Yes...if people want to be scared or terrified, and pissed off, at least be at reality. Fucking awful situation....
in reply to Tio


I generally agree with the sentiment that reality is far more interesting than fiction, but horror movies are different tho. Only reason I'm able to enjoy watching horror movies is 'cause I know it's just acting and that the people are safe, but if you show me footage of actual people dying that will make me depressed 💀

Horror is one of those rare genres that's better enjoyed as fiction 😅 'cause real horror is just sad and depressing, none of this shit should be happening 😞


Roma reshared this.

Politics is football

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Roma reshared this.

TROM II: Money is a limitation tool. @Dima 's story -

#money #capitalism #trade #society

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in reply to TROM

yeahh, correct it's fucking limitation :)
in reply to TROM

A kind request: make videos without music in the background when people are talking. Or at least an option not to have music when people are talking.

It makes the videos accessible for people who are hard of hearing or suffer sensory overload.

in reply to Noam writes

This is a fragment from our TROM II documentary - I really tried to make the music not too loud so you can easily hear what people say. We also have English captions for the entire documentary just in case.
in reply to Tio

@Tio @Unisoft

Thanks for the replies. Tio - it's not a question of volume - I can hear what people say. For me it's sensory overload that comes from music in the background when people are talking. I can't speak for people who are hard of hearing or neurodivergent and how the volume impacts them.

in reply to Noam writes

Hard to know how to deal with this. I tried to make the music not too loud but anyone can lower it down and put the is the best I could do.
in reply to Noam writes

Can this original link help you? It has 6 subtitles available. This snippet is from 54:57

This entry was edited (1 week ago)

Roma reshared this.

For the past several months no one could install flatpaks from our Trade-Free TROMjaro app Library - - and now we finally fixed it thanks to @Rokosun ! One click installs :)

We have curated around 700 trade-free apps for the library and we plan to add a lot more the following months. Check it out!

#tromjaro #linux #trade-free #opensource #foss #flatpak

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Roma reshared this.

All of our websites except the are down - an issue with the hosting

Update: everything works now but there might be downtimes in the next few days.

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Roma reshared this.

TROM II: The ridiculous way we use gold as a resource -

#gold #society #capitalism #TradeRuinsEverything #trade #money

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Roma reshared this.

Hello people and many apologies but for the past few months Google (Gmail) has been blocking our verification emails for our Peertube instance and thus many users were unable to complete the registration. We were wondering why so many people register but do not confirm their registration.

Many apologies.

Now we have temporarily removed the email verification and we are trying to fix the issue with Google. You can register again, and as we always ask please respect the instance's thematic: videos in English and keep them scientific/educational/tech.


#peertube #videos #google #gmail

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Roma reshared this.

Bringing extinct species alive - Hortobagy National Park -

Hortobagy National Park have some incredible rewilding and conservation projects. Like bringing extinct animals like Auroch, or extincted int the wild Przewalski's horses. It's unique place in Hungary and they are doing so much to restore and protect the nature.

#nature #conservation #preservation #volunteering #animals #hungary #rewilding

in reply to bellule

The problem is that once a species has disappeared, it's gone forever - you can't bring it back, rewilding lobby or not!

What do yo mean you cannot bring a species back? Aren't there plenty of such examples?

Hortobagy National Park has many other conservation concerns to (try to) deal with

Can you give me more info about that?

Also I'll tag @Dima in case he wants to reply.

in reply to Tio

@tio @sober_pirate I don't think we're talking about the same thing.
When a species becomes extinct, well, that's the end of it. It's too late.
When a population of a species has disappeared, it's possible to reintroduce it, using individuals from elsewhere, on the express condition that the causes of its local disappearance have been eliminated.
The Auroch is an extinct species, although we're tinkering with backwards selection
@Tio @Dima
in reply to bellule

I see what you mean. I am unsure how they define an extinct species here - maybe they mean a species is extinct from a particular environment, or all natural environments, but still exists in captivity. See

For sure I agree that if the causes of extinction are not dealt with, reintroducing it is probably not going to work. I see what you mean.

in reply to Tio

@tio @sober_pirate Aurochs is extinct species. I don't think anyone disputes that
Have a look to the "Breeding of aurochs-like cattle" in the Wikipedia article you send me
@Tio @Dima
in reply to bellule

Yes that's why I shared that wiki page. Maybe @Dima can have a look and change the description of the video to better reflect what these people are doing there. In the video you can see they say that they are not bringing back that extinct species but a breed.
in reply to bellule

@tio @sober_pirate At Hortobagy NP, they're working on it, but there's still a lot of work to be done to restore water levels and circulation, in the fight against invasive species, in herd management and for example in the use of antiparasitic products, which are very harmful to the local entomofauna, etc....
@Tio @Dima

Roma reshared this.

TROM II: What would you do if you didn't have to trade? -

#trade #capitalism #money #humanbehavior #humans #volunteers #volunteering

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Roma reshared this.

A BIG monthly THANK YOU to everyone who is supporting TROM financially - remember you support a TON of projects. From video/books/documentaries to platforms and what-not. We would need more help so please see our 200 for TROM campaign if you can help out!

#fundraiser #foss #opensource #fighttrade

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Roma reshared this.

Just the usual Manjaro Stable updates plus a small fix. The application “System Information” changed its packaging name from hardinfo to hardinfo2. For the current users install the hardinfo2 from Add/Remove Software.

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in reply to Tio

You should survive man. I like your books. I think I've red almost all of them.
Videos might be very cool too, but the amount of work and effort is much more. It's like anyway to create a book first (to make a script) and then film and edit it and put some nice b-roll and extra shot. Massive amount.
Sometime me and Mara speaking about how you regardless to anything keep going. Seems always you find a motivation somewhere. I know you told me this many times that you just immerse yourself in work and that's helps you regardless the outcome and results. But still man, you are badass just keeping yourself motivated going trough this fucked up society.

I am loosing it so often, because quite often everything you are doing seems so pointless, and no one really care. And each time it's harder and harder to get up and keep going, because what we do is important. It is important nevertheless what society and our culture find valuable or not.

Recently I noticed you are more frustrated, I hope you will get trough this period. Just keep going man.

in reply to Dima

I'd say the two are a lot of work but in different ways. Designing a book, proofreading, sourcing, and making huge books overall, takes so much time as you know. But yah, will see probably that's why I am very frustrated and depressed this period of time since I am not busy with the things I love doing. However I started to write again and that makes me feel a lot better.

Thanks for the support and for continuing with your stuff. Like I told you before I thought you'd give up in less than a year. You exceeded all of my expectations and thats great :). It is damn hard to get 0 support from the society for the things that you do, plus the almost impossibility to reach people nowadays.

I am sure that after this bullshit season is over, in about 3 months, things will be a lot better for me/us. You know how crazy this little town is in the summer....but it is the last summer here for us, so at least that makes it easier to deal with it.

Roma reshared this.

TROM II: A planet of Plastic, and why recycling is useless -

#plastic #pollution #waste #climatechange #environment #trade #money #capitalism

Roma reshared this.

Updates, updates. And future plans.

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in reply to Tio

That's a total bummer to see you struggling with this fucking world so much, my friend 😔 I hope it'll soon pass for you, even though, you're absolutely correct that our lives aren't that long. I feel myself unmotivated and tired all the time from my job as well and I can't figure out how to squeeze in anything more sane and useful into my life. It's sad we have to fight for it, even though we have so many ideas and real passion to do beautiful things..

But I'm glad to see that you aren't giving up and it gives me hope too 😌 You aren't alone in this and I'll help you whenever I can. Awesome that you're considering a campaign for the TROMhome, I'll gladly participate, you can count on me 😉

Stay strong my brother, and hope this fucking nonsense will end for you soon 💪

in reply to Roma

Thank you my best friend Roma :) - we will pierce through this, us all. For you too this year is going to be difficult, but like with us after the struggle good things may come, finally :) . We will help and take care of each other as much as possible ;).

Patience! You will detach yourself from the BS society soonish I hope. And we will see each other soon! :)

in reply to Tio

It's hard to keep yourself sane when the world is full of such insanities. Sorry to hear these few months have been a struggle for you, hope it passes..... Sending love :ablobcatheartsqueeze:

On a more positive note, that cake looks so cute I hope it becomes a reality :blobcataww:

Roma reshared this.

TROM II: Fixing this society is like fixing aging -

#aging #society #capitalism #money #trade

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Roma reshared this.

Blooming of Tisza River - MAYFLY MADNESS by @Dima

It is important to remember how interesting the natural world is.

#nature #insects

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Roma reshared this.

TROM II: Life is not a fucking movie -

#society #revolution #protest #movies #capitalism

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Roma reshared this.

we should have an international "switching software" day,

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Roma reshared this.

A new service was added to our trade-free services at - TROM Draw

A tiny and useful online drawing board providing basic tools for the job. You can also create multi-user drawing boards where your friends can join you and draw together. The drawings can also be saved locally.

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Roma reshared this.

This man is asking to be killed (assisted suicide) because he will be kicked out of his home and he does not want to end up being homeless and sick -

Just a news from planet Earth where the "only" intelligent species in the Universe lives. Where they, humans, have so much shit (cars and toys, electronics and houses, food and clothes) that they create mountains of waste out of them. And yet, many people suffer on a daily basis because these "intelligent" humans do not realize that they are merely a more advanced species of ants who work all day, but never wonder for what. They trade trade trade....and that's all they do. They are blinded by the fantasy of their system that they themselves created and it is now obsolete.

We can provide for everyone with a decent life, trade-free. Now. Today. Not tomorrow.

#TradeRuinsEverything #assistedsuicide #capitalism #money #trade #slavery #poverty #homelesness

in reply to TROM

Yes, they are blinded by the fantasy but we will keep taking veils, opening minds, lending hands and giving hugs when possible :)
in reply to TROM

There is no Sign of Intelligent Life on Earth 😔
edit: mainly I'm talking about The System we have built.
This entry was edited (2 weeks ago)

Roma reshared this.

TROM II: The insane world of social credits -

#socialcredits #creditsystem #society #china #capitalism #trade

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Roma reshared this.

TROM II: A Message to The Aliens (trailer) is now translated into Ukrainian thanks to Unisoft!

#documentary #trade #capitalism #society

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Roma reshared this.

TROM II: School -

#school #education #society #culture #jobs

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Roma reshared this.

We have a new awesome service for - TROM READ -

Basically you can save any page (with images) to your account. You can highlight parts of it, add tags, add collections, even create a sharing link to share it with others. This is an amazing tool for research.

You can read more here - and ask for an account if you want one since for now there is no open registration feature, but we can make an account for anyone.

And do not forget to install the browser extension and connect to your so you can save any webpage faster.

Please consider supporting TROM financially if you can so we can provide more such services -

#foss #opensource #trade-free #bookmark #readeck

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Roma reshared this.

TROM II: Monkeys to Money -

This is how monkeys became traders. How humans have evolved for the past 200.000 years into what they are today.

#capitalism #trade #evolution #monkeys #society

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Roma reshared this.

TROM II: People's values need to change -

#culture #people #humans #capitalism #trade #society

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Roma reshared this.

TROM II: Cost Efficiency is so Wasteful -

#capitalism #trade #money #costefficient #greenwashing #TradeRuinsEverything

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in reply to TROM

it was awesome tool. I used it several times. But the book itself also very cool and important. Brands changes but the information in your book will stays relevant !
in reply to Dima

Yah I wish I could keep and update it but it was too much work...we have the book anyway summarizing all that.
This entry was edited (1 month ago)

Roma reshared this.

TROM II: How movies influence us -

#movies #culture #society #capitalism #entertainment

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Roma reshared this.

Discovering wildlife of the Carpathian Mountains

Few weeks ago together with Mara we went to Romania to stay for a few days in a wildlife hides to see some animals, especially bears! The cool thing that the hides are managed by conservation NGO Carpathia and all of the profits goes into the conservation of wildlife and ecosystem of Fagarash Mountains. This video is my experience of staying for a few days in the mountains and seeing wild animals.

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in reply to Tio

Thank you Tio.
Yeah man, such places are not far from your hometown :)
Agree, people need to spent way more time in the raw nature rather than shopping malls. And surely most of such experiences in the wilderness are for free.
And this cabins are very nice, also because they are managed by conservation NGO they really pay attention to every smallest detail. Of course they don't feed the animals, but they also don't use any chemicals on the wood and walls of such cabins. Normally they will be treated to prevent rotting and protection from ants and other insects. But because such treatment is toxic, they decided not to use it. Kind of small detail, but it shows the values of the guys running this cabins.

And that's what we need to see more in our society.
Also large part of the forest there is restored by this organization. And as you know very well, in Romania illegal logging is quite huge issue.

Rokosun reshared this.

in reply to Dima

Yeah must be so difficult in Romania where there is so much corruption. So much so that I find it hard to trust even such NGOs fully. But they seem decent and doing some great work there.

Roma reshared this.

The usual Manjaro stable updates. Nothing more. Grab it from here.

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Roma reshared this.

Not a TROM meeting, meeting.

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in reply to Tio

Cool, have fun guys !

Roma reshared this.

Just dropped my newest video essay on YouTube: How Google RUINED the Internet.

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in reply to Adam Conover

🥥 Props, Adam.
Eye'll be an inappropriate nag for a moment by asking:
Have you ever considered posting these and other videos which you have already made on #PeerTube as well as YouTube?
End of rant. 🥥
This entry was edited (1 month ago)

Roma reshared this.

TROM II: It's the End of the World -

#capitalism #trade #end #apocalypse #money

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Roma reshared this.

The first step.

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in reply to TROM

Couldn't agree more, we can't fix any of our global problems when people are left alone to fend for themselves and this alone takes up 90% of their time and energy.

Roma reshared this.

TROM II: Insane how much food we waste -

It is absolutely insane how much food we waste while millions of people die from starvation every year...

Watch the entire documentary here -

#food #waste #poverty #starvation #capitalism #money #trade

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