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I'm prototyping a fediverse sharing button. Anyone interested in giving it a try?

Feature highlights:

- shows a logo of supported fediverse software
- lets you share selected text
- remembers the last fediverse domain used

Demo: fediverse-share-button.stefanb…

#fediverse #FediverseSharingButton

This entry was edited (3 months ago)

reshared this

in reply to Stefan Bohacek

this is AMAZINGGGGGG! THIS IS EXACTLY what I was hoping they would be used
in reply to wakest ⛬

@liaizon Thank you! And thank you for the amazing work putting this together!

I wonder if you accept suggestions/requests 🙃…

in reply to Stefan Bohacek

I have all those in the pipeline and will happily add them asap! And yes feel free to open any issues you have…
This entry was edited (3 months ago)
in reply to Stefan Bohacek

Any sharing URLs I'm missing?…

(My site also serves as a demo.)

#fediverse #FediverseSharing

This entry was edited (3 months ago)
in reply to Stefan Bohacek

@ErikUden compiled a list of similar projects on his own take on this functionality:…

Some of these seem no longer active, and some are Mastodon-branded, which is in part why I made this.

in reply to Stefan Bohacek

Thank you so much for making this. I will update my repo to point it to yours, because yes, I'm very much lacking the time to continue it!

Wow, this is so much better!!

in reply to Erik Uden ⁂🥥🌴🍑

@ErikUden Hah, thank you, very kind of you! I don't know if better, but I think it's good for people to have a variety of options to pick from :-)
in reply to Stefan Bohacek

looks ok.

And thank you for creating this. Always wondered why nobody built it yet. Seems like such an important feature.

in reply to FifiSch

@FifiSch Ďakujem za vyskúšanie!

Pár podobných projektov existuje:…

Ale mne sa najviac páči moja verzia :-)

@ErikUden compiled a list of similar projects on his own take on this functionality:…

Some of these seem no longer active, and some are Mastodon-branded, which is in part why I made this.

in reply to Schmaker

@schmaker Nevyzera to, ze Friendica podporuje tuto URL:…

Alebo ma iny format, ak vies nahodou?

Kazdopadne, malo by sa zobrazit varovanie.

in reply to Stefan Bohacek

@Stefan Bohacek
Varování bylo, s tou URL nevím. Když na to nezapomenu, zkusím na to mrknout až budu doma
in reply to Stefan Bohacek

Vidím, že blogpost je updatnutý a byls rychlejší než já. Díky.

Mně včera noťas okupovaly děti :D

in reply to Schmaker

Ha, rodina príde vždy prvá :-D

A hej, niekto mi poslal odkaz, nejako mi to predtým ušlo.

Každopádne ďakujem za ochotu a prajem pekný víkend!

This entry was edited (3 months ago)
in reply to Stefan Bohacek

Cool! I just tried it and it works with #Sharkey, too. Probably because Sharkey uses Mastodon's front-end API instead of Misskey's.

So you can add support for Sharkey to the list of supported software!

in reply to Stefan Bohacek

This works amazingly well !
Thank you for putting this online and for the sharing 😁
in reply to Stefan Bohacek

Huge thanks to everyone sharing this, and for trying it out!

I added an FAQ section:…

Anything I missed, or should elaborate on?

in reply to DJM (freelance for hire)

@cybeardjm Funny, I haven't actually thought about that. I didn't really make a WP version for either.

But this is a great idea, it can definitely help with adoption. Thank you!

in reply to DJM (freelance for hire)

@cybeardjm I've thought about that, but I'm honestly done with corporate-owned social media. I'm still pretty attached to this old project as it's one of my most popular ones, I've had people make donations over the first few years, and I was also recognized as the creator on a job interview.

I haven't touched it in a while, but I really can't bring myself to shutting it down.

in reply to Stefan Bohacek

On AMF, I had to use "Add2Any" as the least worst solution, and it doesn't even work/appear on all my very old posts with no visible (for me) reason...
This entry was edited (3 months ago)
in reply to Stefan Bohacek

not just the fediverse but I really want a :mastodon: share button across the websites and popular platforms like we have for Twitter, Facebook, Reddit etc

(it's a shame YouTube dot com still doesn't have it)

The adoption will come after the intrigue and familiarising it via a share icon will be of great service.

Unknown parent

Stefan Bohacek
@konradw Sorry, mind elaborating a bit?
in reply to Ji Fu

@Stefan Bohacek before I learned that I was using "Share to Mastodon" that I had configured to a Mastodon account that my Friendica Account re-toots everything it toots, though depending on what I was doing I preferred to manually copy/paste the URL so that I could include proper BBCode like [url=https://full.text-of.url][img=https://full.url-of-image.preview]preview text (i.e.) image description/"alt text"[/img][/url] so that the URL preview would look the way I wanted it too.
This entry was edited (3 months ago)
in reply to Ji Fu

@Stefan Bohacek While share to mastodon didn't recognize my friendica instance as a valid Mastadon instance, it did recognize both my Soapbox and GNU Social accounts as valid, but neither works right, GNU Social just shows a pop-up window indicating "internal server error NO SUCH USER FOUND" whether I'm logged in or not, if I am logged in it shows my personal preference for the GNU Social interface and a log out button while if I'm logged out it shows the default interface and a log in button. On my Soapbox account it just opens a pop-up for a new post with no info pre-populated in the text input box.
in reply to Ji Fu

@Stefan Bohacek

On similar notes Friendica nativeily supports RSS so I have used to set up an email address I call "tooty mail" that lets me just type an email from any email account in the world, like when I'm at work where much of the web, including my Frienidca instance, is blocked, if i have something on my mind. (With native RSS support almost half of my "friends" are RSS feeds, with nearly half of those being email newsletters, which leads to me reading more of that content in general AND making my email inbox easier to manage actual important email communication.

in reply to Ji Fu

@Stefan Bohacek
I really had hoped to find a way to set up something more similar to what tweety-mail was back in the day where when you emailed from (a) certain authorize(d) email address with certain commands it would post text of the mail, return X number of recent notification via email, return X number of recent toots from a given feed, or comment on a particular toot included in that return, etc. But I'm not smart enough to do so and I couldn't find a way to explain what I wanted to anyone that I could pay to make a FLOSS tool available to anyone.
This entry was edited (3 months ago)
in reply to Ji Fu

@fu Ah, thankfully you don't have to be particularly smart to write open-source code, otherwise I'd be in trouble 🙃
in reply to Stefan Bohacek

@Stefan Bohacek I became a "systems engineer" after i broke my laptop throwing it against the wall when I was in college because I couldn't get the damn assignment to compile.
in reply to Paul McO'Smith III

It's something you can add to your site to make it easier to share it across the fediverse.

See a demo here: fediverse-share-button.stefanb…

You can scroll to the bottom, you will see a field where you can put your fediverse domain, eg.

This entry was edited (3 months ago)
in reply to Stefan Bohacek

Some feedback:

- There is no hint that you have to select some text first.

- When I select too much text, I get an Error code 502 from Cloudflare

in reply to GunChleoc

@gunchleoc Thank you for trying this out!

So you don't really have to select any text, by default the page title and URL are used.

Let me look into how to best surface this functionality. And I'll definitely look into the error when too much of the text is selected. Thank you for reporting that!

in reply to Stefan Bohacek

When I clicked the button without selecting anything, nothing happened, but it's working now. Maybe I didn't click properly or something.
in reply to GunChleoc

@gunchleoc Ah, got it, maybe something else was broken and got fixed.

Thank you, I appreciate all your help!

in reply to Stefan Bohacek

worked good, would be nice if it had a way to keep your server saved so you don't have to enter it each time.
Also took me to it where I would have to log in instead of just using my login rust was active. Not sure why.
in reply to Netux

@Netux Thank you for giving this a try!

Interesting though, not sure why you'd have been logged out, at least I can't think of how the sharing button could affect that

Also, the last domain does get saved, after you click the Share button. Mind sharing a bit more about what OS and browser you're using so I can look into this a bit more?

in reply to Stefan Bohacek

I'm not really interested in a share button, but I'd love to see this function inspire @nextcloud for profile settings!

[Automatically translated from French]

in reply to Stefan Bohacek

my Samsung phone keyboard seems to have the same problem as it sometimes has with Youtube and PayPal- it doesn't let me write anything into the button
in reply to Niko Trimmel

@nitrml Ah, I don't have that device, but let me poke around a bit and see what's going on. Thank you so much for reporting this!
in reply to Stefan Bohacek

Didn't worked for me. The button turned grey but nothing else happened.

Sharing to:
Device: iPhone 6s iOS 15.8.2
Browser: Firefox 125.3

in reply to Stefan Bohacek

@narF I think I figured it out, would you mind giving this another try, when you have a moment?
in reply to Stefan Bohacek

This is very neat! I did run into a hiccup though, and submitted your first Github issue. (Sorry! :))
in reply to Stefan Bohacek

@billturner Hmm, this being a Mastodon instance, it should support sharing via URL. Are you still seeing this note?
in reply to Stefan Bohacek

I was adding my username to the end of the URL. I think that's when I got the error. Initially it didn't seem like putting just the domain was working/did anything. A later try and it worked just fine when putting in only the domain.
Unknown parent

Stefan Bohacek
@andy Great, thank you for trying this out!
in reply to Stefan Bohacek

Added :) thanks!…
in reply to Licho

@licho Nice! I just made a few tweaks to the style of the button to make sure things align a bit better. It's looking good now! Thank you for giving this a try!
Unknown parent

Stefan Bohacek

@burley Awesome, thank you!

I've heard of Elk, but I'm not super familiar with it, so let me look into how to best integrate it with my project. Thank you for the suggestion!

in reply to Stefan Bohacek

I need this so much! I hope you can get it working and it’s adopted everywhere. I also want the headlines, subhead and images shared.
in reply to MoiraEve

@MoiraEve I'd say this is already pretty usable, I already have it on some of my websites* and a few people mentioned also using it. Give it a try and let me know what you think!

* If you'd like to see a few demos:

- stefans-creative-bots.glitch.m…
- any article or project page on

in reply to Stefan Bohacek

I got server can’t be found. You put the URL in the 2nd little box, right?
in reply to MoiraEve

@MoiraEve Yep, that's correct. Are you just putting in The https is not needed.