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Students at Indian schools get books that teach them about open source applications like Krita. This is how all government should spend tax payers money and not on proprietary stuff. #linux #opensource credit…

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in reply to nixCraft 🐧

Pretty sure this is in kerala, the state where I live. Here, the government is pro foss. In my college, we use ubuntu in our computer labs.

But i was in cbse school so couldn't get to use linux in school lab. I do have it in my own pc tho, linux mint livin' alongside win 11.

in reply to nixCraft 🐧

This more than proofs that most open-source software can replace proprietary ones if given the market to do so!
in reply to nixCraft 🐧

this post tells Microsoft that there is another Market they can buy by giving the government free licenses for education. The schools then do the free advertising and you end up with adults who think that a computer equals windows.