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Date & Time Nobara 38 unwanted Japanese characters

Hello, I have installed Nobara 38 which is showing that it uses Gnome 44.2.

In Region & Language I have Language set as English (US) and Formats US (English)

In the date displayed at the bottom right of the screen the date displays Japanese characters.

It looks like this: 7月13日

Anyone know how to fix this?

don't like this

in reply to theViscusOne

Take a look at LC_TIME in your /etc/locale.conf. If you don't have one, make one and set all the things you want to be a specific locale.

The manpage might be helpful, it also references the locale one which may also help.

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in reply to eshep

Thank you so much.

Edited the etc/locale.conf file and all is well.
This entry was edited (1 year ago)

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