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in reply to Chris Trottier

Just a quick note: I totally understand that some folks may prefer chatting with me without the help of I get that they might think it's more "authentic" (even though I respectfully disagree). If you're one of those people, no worries at all! You're more than welcome to connect with me directly on

Just keep in mind that I tend to be a bit more cautious over there because, honestly, I don't have all the time and energy to handle stress-inducing situations. So, let's keep the conversation light and enjoyable, shall we? 😊
in reply to Chris Trottier

Oh wow, is this why your tone lately sounds so unlike you?

Your recent posts have been so peppy that I've half-thought you were being sarcastic until I got to the end and would go "oh, okay, there's not clear indicator it's a joke, I guess this is sincere?"
in reply to Rowyn

Well, I must say that I genuinely mean what I share. However, I have discovered that by utilizing, I am able to greatly enhance my quality of life and significantly reduce my social anxiety. You see, I've unfortunately found myself in countless instances where I unintentionally hurt people's feelings, and this tool has been a real game-changer for me.
in reply to Chris Trottier

I gotta say, I prefer your own words to the re-wording -- makes you sound less concise, is not as well-written, and uses marketing-speak terms that I find off-putting (for example, "game-changer" and "utilize" are the kinds of terms I only hear from corps).

But it's understandable and communicates your ideas, and it undeniably comes across as peppy! and positive! 😊 So whatever works. ❤️
in reply to Rowyn

You know, I'm really trying to find a way to communicate in a kind of peppy, positive, and friendly style. It's just that sometimes I feel like there's a little gap between the emotions I want to express and what naturally comes across in my texts. But hey, I'm determined to make it crystal clear and leave no doubt!
in reply to Chris Trottier

Do you feel like you're learning from the style that uses? Do you think you might eventually be able to use it without the intercession of the software?
in reply to Jimmy Havok

What I'm learning is that using actually works pretty well 😀

However, I do have trouble emulating the exact tone it creates for me. You see, in my opinion, I believe that what I say should simply be what I say. Unfortunately, in the neurotypical world, there's often some hidden meaning or subtext that I am completely unaware of. It can feel like navigating a minefield at times. That's why I see as a helpful tool to sort of navigate through the different tones and communication styles.
in reply to Chris Trottier

Honestly I legit didn't realize this was bot-generated text. But yeah it does explain your posting style a bit in retrospect.
in reply to ocdtrekkie

I actually don't view as entirely bot-generated. I play my part by providing the necessary text inputs, and then works its magic to modulate my tone in a way that gives off a friendly, polite, and casual vibe. While the original ideas are mine, simply helps fine-tune the overall tone.

See screenshot.
in reply to Chris Trottier

but its so ... chirpy.🙃 Maybe let have a go and then dial it back by about half?
in reply to Catherine Novak

As I mentioned earlier, for individuals who are neurotypical, using the right tone in communication comes naturally. It doesn't require much thought or effort. However, for those of us who are autistic, finding the right tone can be quite challenging and can often lead to a lot of stress.

The interesting part is that if I could figure out how to reduce the "chirpiness" in my tone by half, I wouldn't have to rely on
in reply to Catherine Novak

Seems to ""dial it back"" just fine for mouth-of-a-sailor syndrome. 😂
in reply to Chris Trottier

Although I can appreciate relying on such a tool to help manage a large community and keep your sanity, I personally find the tone it takes a little off-putting and makes your messages sound rather impersonal
in reply to the last heron

You know what's amusing? It turns out, before I discovered, I used to hear a lot of feedback from people saying I came across as an impersonal jerk who didn't really take others' feelings into account. However, ever since I started using, those sorts of complaints have noticeably decreased. I've found that my stress levels have lowered significantly, and interacting with people has actually become more enjoyable for me.
in reply to Chris Trottier

That’s great to read how this tool helps you. From my personal perception it feels for me too that your messages don’t feel natural, but again it’s fantastic to know that it decreases your anxiety and helps you with your online communication. I have read on an autistic community that ChatGPT is also used by some autistics to rephrase their wording to make it less blunt.

(I’m autistic too)

This entry was edited (9 months ago)
in reply to Chroniques autistes ♾️ 🇲🇫 🇨🇦

I find it quite interesting that an increasing number of individuals within the autistic community are opting for LLMs to assist in regulating their tone. Personally, ever since I began utilizing, I have noticed that navigating social media has become notably smoother.
in reply to Chris Trottier

holy moly I used to think you were slightly mad after following you for a bit and had to unfollow asap. Now I see what was going on!!!! Holy shit... Your intent often was positive but expressed in a way that I interpreted as hostile etc. Wow. Pretty cool.
in reply to Chris Trottier

As another autistic, I really do understand the urge, but this style is downright disorienting to me. Something about it feels tuned to make my eyes slide straight past it, like they would an ad. Is it polite? Sure. Is it friendly? Maybe. But I feel confident saying it's the opposite of casual -- it reads as PR speak. It feels inhuman and untrustworthy by nature. Just my two cents.
in reply to Nasado But consider, I’m not writing for you. I’m writing for the majority of people, most who are neurotypical, and are very sensitive to tone. And frankly, using something like saves me lots of pain and headaches—especially when I talk to 17,000+ people.

Not using in this post, by the way.
in reply to Chris Trottier

Of course. Like I said, just my two cents. But personally I'd be very surprised if there wasn't a significant number of NT people who find that style artificial, given that it literally is artificial, and we agree they tend to be better at picking up on that sort of thing than us.

I would consider the possibility that the decrease in negative feedback comes in part from people being unsettled enough that they just leave without saying anything, rather than from them actually not having anything negative to say.
in reply to Nasado Well, when you have more followers, you might have to use Because, trust me, with a higher reach people are less forgiving with tone.