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in reply to Want Change? Work Together 🔁

Give an example of believing in truth and another of knowing, using the same topic. For instance, is the planet round?
in reply to Jacob Urlich 🌍

Truth and Knowing - short answer...

@experimentmapass Truth is according to my direct experience and what I have witnessed more often than not.
I see now / saw xyz. Some is "truth" might be said under "best to my knowledge and/or ability"

I "know"* the world is round only by what I've been told or seen as work from others (photos), but not really as direct witness or direct experience by my eyes directly (like being in space and seeing it's round, I saw it via photo or video which could in theory be made up but seem backup up by many others who may or may not have witnessed it or calculated right/exactly). Could be a bit hexagon in places!

* "know" is in quotes as know is a multi-meaning word so I've said in above example, in short, some differences of truth and knowing.

Why these two words for you now?

in reply to Jacob Urlich 🌍

If it will be just you asking questions it's nicer to just say!

Will you be answering my question?

If you missed it I asked;

"Why these two words for you now?"

(If it will be just you asking questions it's nicer to just say!) :]

in reply to Want Change? Work Together 🔁

Where is a fin gap between these two words. I always use them to find out if a person still has a healthy mind, or been lost in his believes.
in reply to Jacob Urlich 🌍

@experimentmapass I didn't catch the first sentence, Can you say it again it doesn't seem to make sense.
But I understand the 2nd sentence.
in reply to Jacob Urlich 🌍

@experimentmapass Feels like I knew what you mean and now I'm not sure which type of belied you mean or which type it's based on in that sentence. Care to elaborate?
in reply to Want Change? Work Together 🔁

I still care. It can be any belief. What is your objective? Learn 2 care 4 others? What do you mean by care 4 others? If I beg for a money you give, or you sacrifice your life for learning and never will be able to enjoy the care? Do you care what will happen after 1000 years, or you just care to feed the beggar?
in reply to Want Change? Work Together 🔁

What about now:
"I still care. It can be any belief. What is your objective? To learn to care for others? What do you mean by caring for others? If I beg for money, would you give, or would you sacrifice your life for learning and never be able to enjoy care? Do you care about what will happen after 1000 years, or do you just care to feed the beggar?"
in reply to Want Change? Work Together 🔁