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Reducing Food Waste

According to the USDA, “In the United States, food waste is estimated at between 30-40 percent of the food supply.” Here's something you can do about it: Join TooGoodToGo. It's an app that you can use to buy food – at low cost – that would otherwise be thrown away, food from bakeries and restaurants -- food that you want to eat. We used TooGoodToGo a little in the Atlanta area, but it was not widely known there, so using it required a lot of driving. Here in the UK it is better known, and there are 5 participating restaurants and shops within walking distance of our house. The food usually needs to be eaten right away, but it's almost ridiculously inexpensive. Tell your favorite restaurant, bakery, coffee shop, that they need to join!

Here's what we got in a "hot food bag" from Wenzel's for £4.75.

in reply to Dirk

We got a cold veggie bag from Wenzel's tonight for £3.50. I should have taken a photo: a loaf of bread, 2 sandwiches, 2 strawberry tarts, several doughnuts and cubcakes, and more. Quite a bargain.
in reply to Dirk

Vegie Cold Bag from Wenzel's 7/22/24 for £3.50

The contents of a vegie cold bag we got from Wenzel's on 7/21. A lot of food for £3.50!

in reply to Dirk

The contents of a Surprise grocery bag we got from the M&S convenience store for £4. Not as much food, but it makes a good lunch for two. The food in the surprise bags from this store are usually on their "best by" date, so you have to eat it right away.
in reply to Dirk

Morrisons is the champ. All this for £3.30! To boot, the food usually has a few days left before its "best by" date, and it's almost as if Morrisons goes out of its way to give you a variety!

Best in class 🏆

in reply to Dirk

Contents of a surprise bag from PizzaExpress for £4.95. The food is good, but not the quantity I was hoping for.

in reply to Dirk

Surprise bag from Costa Coffee for £3.50. I wouldn't mind getting this once a week.

in reply to Cobie

@Cobie Unfortunately I don't find any Too Good To Go participants near you. You could go to your favorite bakery or restaurant or food store and suggest they sign up. 😀
This entry was edited (6 months ago)
in reply to Dirk

Oh wow! Hand pies, both savory and sweet? Steve would love those. ( :
in reply to Dirk

Oh, now I'm seeing all the other Too Good to Go food you've picked up. I'll look into it!
in reply to Dirk

@Ellen Here's a good article in the Monitor about reducing food waste in Ft. Collins, CO (link).
in reply to Dirk

Hit the jackpot at Costa Coffee today. Three different kinds of pastries, and 14 sandwiches! (Please ignore the laundry basket)