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#PeerTube v4.2 is out! 😍😍😍
β–ͺ editing videos from the web interface
β–ͺ detailed viewers stats for videos
β–ͺ ability to adjust latency during a live broadcast
β–ͺ saving each permanent/recurring live streaming session as a replay on a new url
β–ͺ edit video subtitles directly from the web interface
Discover improvements and new features of this latest version on…
in reply to PeerTube

Excellent release! Some of these new features constitute a really important step for Peertube. Congrats!
Unknown parent

friendica (DFRN) - Link to source
May be for you, but for some it is not. Unlike it, your comment is truly useless, no offense.
Unknown parent

friendica (DFRN) - Link to source
another useless comment :)
in reply to PeerTube

Thank you! Finally I don't have to upload live stream recordings manually amymore, that is super helpful. πŸ˜€
Unknown parent

mastodon - Link to source
"editing video subtitles"
in reply to PeerTube

Π‘Π‘ @drq

> saving each permanent/recurring live streaming session as a replay on a new url

Isn't it what you've wanted for your podcast?

in reply to PeerTube

congrats on the new release.
is there any improvement to the major problem that it's entirely useless and opaque without javascript?
I'd very much welcome the ability to see title, summary, maybe even a thumbnail, to decide whether or not to download it (with e.g. youtube-dl, that used to be able to download peertube videos, but not any more)
in reply to PeerTube

The first time I visited a PeerTube site I was amazed at how many idiots, bigots and bad actors seemed to be having a jolly good time.

It was not a community I wanted to join or ever be federated in a broader community with.

Have you done anything to help address this problem?

I know Mastodon's tools for this aren't perfect... but Mastodon actually has tools. My understanding was that PeerTube was ignoring the problem.

in reply to Steven

Peertube, from my admin experience, has the best tools to keep an instance clean. You can only follow certain instances, users, or channels. Cut off the connection with any of these too. And so is really amazing.
in reply to Tio


So the tools exist, and if I find instances federating with fascists or other bad actors it is their own fault?

That is good to know. I won't automatically ignore all PeerTube instances now.

Are there ways to find instances that don't federate with bad actors or is it all just hit-or-miss?

in reply to Steven

Look, from my perspective as someone who hosts a peertube instance, friendica, and more such instances, the users should not be blaming the admin and see him/her as their parents. You, as a user, have a great set of tools, same as us the admins. Take our Peertube instances - I do moderate it to only accept educational/science/nature/activism videos in English, and I only promote the content I think is relevant (trending, popular, recently added) from other instances + I use a local search and also a global one. So if you use our instance unless you search for crappy content, you will get decent content.

If you find bad content simply ignore it. Youtube is also full of crap, but users understood how to push it aside and follow what they want to see.

So yes, both the admins and the users have a great set of tools for Peertube at their disposal.

in reply to Tio


Wait. I'm confused. Are you saying it is normal to federate with fascist instances and on the users to just ignore it?

Federating with fascist instances is exactly the problem I had with PeerTube in the first place.

The only way to ignore fascist instances is to _never_ federate with them.

There is no room for fascist sympathizers.

in reply to Steven

It's not a matter of treating the admin like parents.

It's a matter of treating the admin like party hosts.

If a party hosts does nothing about the assholes showing up at their parties and harassing the other guests, pretty soon nobody but assholes attend them.

in reply to Steven

No but it is like the party hosts are telling you with whom you are allowed to talk on the phone. Since those "assholes" in the fediverse are not getting "inside" the house where you party. I have an open friendica instance for anyone who wants to join. I use the fediverse for more than a year now and use it daily. I got annoyed by a few and quickly blocked them. Done. Easy. But if the admin has to deal with everything people like and dislike, it becomes a complete mess.
in reply to Steven

I argue that it is a very bad practice to ban instances. This is a discussion I had many many times and I'd like not to get into that again. This is one of my posts about it…