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Calckey offers an interesting feature that I wish Mastodon apps included - the ability to view from what PLATFORM an account comes from. It's missing one thing, which is a clickable link that would take you to the official site of each platform to check it out. I think the beta API from FediDB might be able to assist with that.

Would love to see this in more apps, regardless of platform. Gives casual users a chance to check out other pockets of the fediverse out there.
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in reply to Jeff Sikes

Laughing. Would be interesting to see what it says about my anti-platform.
in reply to Mike Macgirvin

Friendica marks you as unkn (AP) but I can go to your original post and see you're using "the best fediverse software I've never heard of" (zap?).
in reply to Jeff Sikes

I've really enjoyed exploring other servers via the one Friendica uses. It jumps you directly to that post on the poster's instance. It's really sad that Mastadon keeps things from it's users that most everyone else in the FediVerse has been enjoying for quite a while.