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warmest year on record

This year has now had six record breaking months.

November had, for the first time ever, two days with a global temperature 2ºC above
preindustrial levels.

These extreme temperatures confirm that 2023 will be the warmest year in recorded history.

It serves as a stark reminder that we need to work together to drastically reduce emissions.

This is why we're pushing for stronger climate ambition, finance, and global energy goals at #COP28

📷: @scottduncanwx


#EU #COP28
in reply to European Commission

The oil industry and its financiers are prepared to end democracy and fry the planet, and are spending accordingly on despots & disinformation.……………

This entry was edited (9 months ago)
Unknown parent


> "Indian Institutional Ranking Framework (IIRF) is the most authentic and reliable ranking framework in India"

Sending #SEO #spam to a @EU_Commission post about climate change won't help your reputation, though. Please stop doing that as it will impoverish the #Fediverse as a whole and only land you on #FediBlock lists.

in reply to European Commission

It is time to evolve international law about transnational air pollution

Ecocide doesn't begin to describe it.

Legal precedents do exist…

#KochNetwork may have purchased a US Supreme Court to thwart climate action, but there are still state lawsuits…………

in reply to European Commission

#COP28 ? You mean the meeting in one of the biggest oil exporters in the world, whose President is the head of their national oil company and also a a very vocal climate denier?

It would have been better for the EU to boycott it. To be honest, if I described what a fit punishment would be for Al Jaber deliberately sabotaging our efforts against the climate and helping to doom all our children, I'd be thrown off this site.

in reply to European Commission

2050 is way too late, we need to effectively stop emissions by, say, 2030 if we want a society in 2050.
in reply to European Commission

- Many "oldies" know thi very well. They just don't care. They'll be dead when all this starts getting legs. Climate policy is decided by a highly conservative geriatric electorate, by and large and these people vote reactionary conservative. As in - they do not accept higher taxes or a diminishment of their freedoms, cars, vacays, consumerist lifestyle, pensions. Or lower investment revenues... Climate change is expensive, so the motto is - postpone, delay, postpone, drag feet.
in reply to European Commission

Dear European Commission,

Can we have an International Climate Court where the fossil fuel cartel gets tried for crimes against humanity?

When you keep drilling while island nations sink, frack while wildfires burn Innocents, and look for more oil while extreme weather events kill people, you are guilty of crimes against humanity.

You make serial killers look like amateurs, and you deserve prison at the very least if your profits come before people and our planet.

in reply to European Commission

I want to say the most important measures lack priority:

car free cities, permaculture, passive heating/cooling building design

car-free itself saves time, lives, money, energy and is economically vibrant. car centric design is financially insolvent. It is climate mitigation and adaptation. It costs far less than renewables and especially EVs. It the pathway for a sustainable future developing nations can embrace.

It should be a top priority but isn’t.

Mother Bones reshared this.

in reply to European Commission

WfH should be enforced. Stop the heck commuting if your job is an office job.
in reply to European Commission

Might be wise to let the oil lobbyists there know that once sea levels, droughts, and other climate disasters displace a billion people (IIRC), some of them might be really angry. Some of them might even think of oil lobbyists and executives as personally accountable. Some nations might, too. I know that catastrophic sea level rise happening before the decade is out feels like forever from now (a whole six years), but I don't know that I'd want to live like that.
in reply to European Commission

Oh, the same climate conference a huge portion of the attendees took private jets to, to make back room deals with fossil fuel companies? The climate conference hosted by a goddamn Saudi oil baron? THAT conference?

Fuck your performative horseshit.

in reply to European Commission

are you able to mention one single (serious) measure you took to fight global warming? Please notice that speaches, declarations, etc are NOT really measures.
in reply to European Commission

So why we are not working together for creating trade-free products and services?
Unknown parent

Jacob Urlich 🌍
Because science is not a solution, trade-free is solution.