Sometimes I think about a few who I've interacted with here in the past and enjoyed interacting with, but who no longer interact with me for some reason.😔
I post a LOT, and most of the time what I say, I guess gets on people's nerves because I'm passionate about certain topics. Sometimes though, I make really meaningful connections (to me) and those people sometimes stop talking to me too and it feels terrible. Like ive lost a close friend cause I'm a piece of shit and said some dumb shit.
That last part is the worst because it's how I've felt my entire life. I almost have no filter, so I say what's in my head and that's not the "polite" and "easy-going" thing to do. I have one friend left in my entire life because friends just drop me when I piss them off accidentally...
Rejection sensitivity fucking sucks.
in reply to BeAware • •How many of us can honestly say we've never said somethdng stupid that pissed off a friend? If they ceace to call me a friend because of that, they likely didn't consider me one before they knew what sorta stupid shit comes out my mouth. I'd say it's a far shittier way to treat people the way most do in the online world whereby they just block/ignore someone to forget they exist, than simply telling them how they disagree.
Nothing wrong with being honest about who you are and what you think. You just gotta remember that more people than not don't appreciate that and would prefer you tell them what they want to hear.
BeAware reshared this.
Unknown parent • • •@m Haha. Thanks for the kind words, friend. I feel that too, maybe I just havent found those IRL friends that are THAT good yet besides my 1 I have. We've been friends for 20+ years and I'm very thankful for him.
BTW, if you want, you totally could filter or mute me during those few hours/days when I post wrestling stuff. Cause it does only happen on certain days and times. it's just the only TV show I watch and enjoy. It is to me, whatever anyone else's favorite fictional TV show is to them.🤷♂️