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Do you run a home server 24/7 ? (not talking about a remote vps here but actual hardware you run at your place)

#homeserver #homelab #selfhosting #server

  • Yup (81%, 170 votes)
  • Not now but I used to (6%, 14 votes)
  • No, but interested to do so (10%, 21 votes)
  • No, and no interest or plan to have one (2%, 5 votes)
210 voters. Poll end: 9 months ago

Boiling Steam reshared this.

in reply to Boiling Steam

it's still early but impressive results so far. 80% of respondents running a server at home!
in reply to Terry Hendrix II 🏹

@thendrix oh don't worry, I already had other questions to ask about servers from the get go, that one is coming too
in reply to Boiling Steam

\m/ Wouldn't have it any other way! Serving all my things from home. Got at least 5 different pieces of hardware running various things each.
in reply to Boiling Steam

Question: does a machine running 24/7 when one's away but 16/7 (sleeps at night to save on fan noise) when one's home count?
(Counted it as a "Yup" anyway 😅)
This entry was edited (9 months ago)
in reply to Boiling Steam

Those hashtags are definitely going to skew your audience in the “Yup” direction.
in reply to renegadespork

@jesse that would assume that a lot of visitors come from the hashtag search function?
in reply to Boiling Steam

not just search, Mastodon supports subscriptions to hashtags too. That's exactly how I landed here.


in reply to Boiling Steam

I have a home server, but I also have a VPS. The new ISP my family use doesn't support static IPv4 (and it also seems even IPv6 is not static), so everything is reverse-proxied on that VPS (that home server is still directly reacheable via the Yggdrassil mesh network)