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Print-screen App

Anybody got any suggestions for a good print-screen / screenshot app?

I'm using the default of Swappy right now and it doesn't really suit my needs.

The MacOS screenshot app is my ideal.

in reply to brownmustardminion

I'd go with grimshot then, which I think works for hyprland as well (it's made for sway). It provides an interface over Grim, slurp, and jq, and makes life easy. Combine it with a image viewer like imv, and your set!
in reply to brownmustardminion

grim + slurp ftw. On my system mod+ctrl+s -> select area by drawing a box -> screenshot saved as shot.png in the Downloads directory where even sandboxed apps can read it. Next shot just overwrites the previous one.
This entry was edited (7 hours ago)
in reply to brownmustardminion

Not sure what the MacOS one is, but i use flameshot and im happy with it
in reply to brownmustardminion

Flameshot, I use it everywhere and it works everywhere
in reply to Akatsuki Levi

I use flameshot both on Linux and my Windows work laptop. I definitely recommend it
in reply to Akatsuki Levi

I like flameshot but it needs a bunch of window rule to work properly on kde Wayland apparently it uses some wayland wlroots-isms that plasma doesn't implement
in reply to Mactan

First I heard of this (but then, I'm stuck on outdated GPU so no Wayland for me T~T)
in reply to Akatsuki Levi

Second this. Think I heard about it on lemmy, been using it ever since. Built in editing, copy to clipboard, save to file, all the stuff I need.
in reply to brownmustardminion

I like the default one in KDE (Spectacle). It does everything I need, and can take both screenshots and recordings. I don't think it works with other DEs though.
in reply to brownmustardminion

I think you'd be fine still usin swappy, just use it in a way that does what you need. I use maim piped to xclip as below, then I tie each of those cases to [PrScr] with different modkeys.

case "${1}" in
    area)     maim --hidecursor -s |tee $HOME/Pictures/Screenshots/$(date +%y%m%d-%H%M%S).png |xclip -selection clipboard -t image/png
    savew)    maim --hidecursor -i $(xdotool getactivewindow) |tee $HOME/Pictures/Screenshots/$(date +%y%m%d-%H%M%S).png |xclip -selection clipboard -t image/png
    savef)    maim --hidecursor |tee $HOME/Pictures/Screenshots/$(date +%y%m%d-%H%M%S).png |xclip -selection clipboard -t image/png

Linux reshared this.

in reply to brownmustardminion

magick import of imagemagick has a crosshair. Here's my function:

screnshot() {
    ## script to make screenshots with imagemagick's import command and display them
    ## usage: screenshot <path> <name>

    _id="$(date "+%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S")"

    mkdir -p "$_dir"
    printf '%s\n' "$_shot"
    magick import "$_shot" && \
    magick display "$_shot"

And good old xfce4-screenshooter, xfce4-screenshooter -r and xfce4-screenshooter -w.

Edit: right, magick display. I personally like viewnior better but make it less dependencies.

This entry was edited (16 hours ago)
in reply to brownmustardminion

scrot if you want to use the CLI, (KDE) Spectacle if you need a UI.
This entry was edited (16 hours ago)
in reply to pewpew

I love flameshot, but unfortunately it's support for more than one monitor on wayland has me looking for an alternative :(

Alternative found: Spectacle in rectangular capture mode is the best

This entry was edited (6 hours ago)