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I helped my stepsister with her laptop and installed at first Linux Mint 20.3 Cinnamon. When I told her that the installations are not as easy as on Windows and that she can't just install any software she wants, she didn't wanted to try Linux.

So I installed Windows 10 Home instead since she have a hardware license key for it.

in reply to Airikr :endeavourOS:

- Installed Firefox.
- Installed addons.
- Uninstalled bloatware.
- Installed's software and used "Strict" + some other tweaks.
- Added redirections for some websites, for an example YouTube. So if she types in, she will come to That addon is now hidden.
- Installed the latest drivers for her laptop.

If she doesn't want to try on Linux, she must be protected somehow. She's really ignorant regarding privacy. Heck, she doesn't even want an antivirus! ๐Ÿคฏ

in reply to Airikr :endeavourOS:

Well, I kinda get antivirus; from one point of view, you're kind of pirating content from websites that are providing it with the expectation that you will load ads. I'd probably go without too if ads were privacy-respecting.
in reply to Airikr :endeavourOS:

We made TROMjaro Linux ( in a way that it comes with all you need to not see ads or not have your data mined. Plus no need to use any terminal, all apps are in 1 single place. I made it for my parents at first so that they can simply install and that's it. And then I made it public and we improved it a lot. Has a free VPN and some neat apps and such. Very easy to use. You can give it a try if you want :).

We even have privacy redirect addon and our own instances for invidious, nitter, bibliogram, reddit, searx.
in reply to Tio

Nice! But you don't have Star Stable, Roblox, or Spotify listed on the apps page. She wants to download the installation file and install whatever she wants to install, no "special" thinking at all, just download, open, install, run.

Do you add more softwares and games to TROM-Jaro every now and then?
in reply to Airikr :endeavourOS:

Installing Software in TROMjaro is a lot easier than in Windows. There is 1 single software center and has access to, I'd say, 99% of all apps available in Linux. You search for it there, and click install and apply. Done. Has access to AUR, Manjaro's repos, and Flathub.

Star Stable, Roblox - I cannot find these I do not know what they are. But if they are games that are available for Linux too (maybe via Steam) then is very easy to install steam then have access to them all.

It is true the limitation of Linux is that not all apps available on Windows are available on Linux.
in reply to Tio

Yepp. Currently browsing your apps to find something I can use in my Manjaro system. I found some useful, especially baobab (Disk Usage Analyser). Thanks ๐Ÿ™‚ I have searched for a disk usage analyser before, but not found any until now.

Both Star Stable and Roblox are games. They requires third-party applications (launchers) and works with Lutris, but with some tweaking. They do not exists on Steam.