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And as I said, the #iOS app is open source. I’ll request a Crowdin project soon. However, just because it’s open source doesn’t mean that we’ll accept any change through PRs. If you want to be sure, contact me first.

Liaizon Wakest reshared this.

in reply to Eugen Rochko

@Eugen You probably answered this so many times, but will you port this app to Android too?

Edit: "Eugen Rochko confirmed plans for a comparable Android app, but there’s no timeline for releasing it." - ok I see
in reply to vifon

You can not publish software under the GPL 3 on the App Store. However, you can dual-license software you fully own to publish it on the App Store as well as under GPL 3. The software you receive from the App Store will then not be licensed under the GPL 3, but the source code you download will.
in reply to Eugen Rochko

I've made Mastodon-ios Japanese compatible, but is it possible to merge it?

The AppStore reviews are also asking for Japanese support.
in reply to rinia

We’ll add other languages as soon as possible! I need to check in with other developers about being able to merge your PR, there may be legal difficulties since we need to dual-license for Apple
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Eugen Rochko
You cannot guarantee what you download is what you’re looking at on GitHub anyway