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No, WaPo, climate change has been here long since. This kind of headline oversimplification is not helpful...

Jacob Urlich 🌍 reshared this.

in reply to Jeff Jarvis

its like they are unaware that UN just held the 28th annual conference on climate change!
in reply to Jeff Jarvis

We’ve never had a major city completely devastated by a surprise weather event before and people don’t even seem to register it happened for the most part.

It won’t be the last time a city is destroyed for that reason, either.

in reply to RodneyPetersonTalentAgency

Close mind people needs a proof, those people are created by the need to trade their time for money, not foe education, Solution visible.
in reply to Jeff Jarvis

If it signals a shift in their terrible editorial policy, I'll take it
in reply to Trojan Duck

Another different policy for the same reason trade for profit.
in reply to Jeff Jarvis

I think they mean it was the year that nobody, not even the most stubborn, could deny that the climate is changing.
in reply to Julie Goldberg

It is planet where "we" all can notice only in changes of trade for profit.
in reply to Jeff Jarvis

More like the year media outlets started realizing it’s already here instead of the fantasy that it’s waiting in the distant future.
Unknown parent

Jacob Urlich 🌍
We need something to trade for profit, let's create a problem, then nobody knows that is the origin of the problem.
Unknown parent

Jacob Urlich 🌍
A good purpose of life driven by trade for profit
Unknown parent

Jacob Urlich 🌍
No worries, we will trade for profit your unsubsciption.
Unknown parent

Jacob Urlich 🌍
No trade for profit, no sellers, no bodies, no engagement, no trade for profit... Trade's positive feedback loop...
in reply to Jeff Jarvis

…and, conveniently, it was too late to do anything about it.