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The Death of Critical Thinking Will Kill Us Long Before AI.…

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in reply to JA Westenberg

A brilliant summary of the reasons, why we got so intellectually lazy and apathetic. 👍 On the other hand it's concentrated cultural pessimism - and I'd like to object to the hopeless tone.

The lack of critical reading / thinking's for sure a threat to democracy - but is this really new?
Students getting rewarded for rote memorisation instead of analysis, populism, disinformation...

I have no solution to offer, but still have hope. GenZ is smarter than we "old geezers" sometimes claim.

in reply to Xela

The origin of the problem is trade, the solution is obvious. A lot of details here…
in reply to JA Westenberg

What was the line from the Matrix? "When you stopped thinking and we started it became OUR world."