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I read Awe by Dacher Keltner

The full title is Awe: The New Science of Everyday Wonder and How It Can Transform Your Life

Being a Christian Scientist, there was a lot in the book I didn't agree with, but what I did agree with is summarized by these two quotes, particularly the second one:

It also merits considering what was not mentioned in stories of awe from around the world. Money didn't figure into awe, except in a couple of instances in which people had been cheated out of life savings. No one mentioned their laptop, Facebook, Apple Watch, or smartphone. Nor did anyone mention ccanonsumer pur-chases, like their new Nikes, Tesla, Gucci bag, or Montblane pen.

Pg 18

In fact, it is hard to imagine a single thing you do that is better for your body and mind than finding awe outdoors.

Pg 128