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reshared this

in reply to Yora

heck, this game already looks like rainbow puke to begin with 🤣
in reply to Beko Pharm

I'd thought before about tryin to do this with Star Citizen to help with the horrible depth perception it has.
in reply to eshep

it may work 🤔 I know someone used the principle to get night vision, which resulted in many people crying huge tears because of a perceived advantage in PvP.
in reply to Beko Pharm

crossed my eyes, weird how the UI text renders behind the dashboard like that in the middle!
in reply to Marc

yeah, it is a hack after all 😁 Still a great way to enjoy many games with XR glasses 🤓 I can totally life with such minor artifacts.
in reply to Beko Pharm

It actually might be that your shots here (and others) are the wrong way around? There's a few where the background is closer than the cockpit when I cross-eye.
in reply to Marc

ah or maybe I'm just being dumb. It's hard to tell xD
This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to Marc

it's right/left but I may have one reversed accidentally
played around with this a lot trying to find something that works good for YT.

Nothing really did so I'm sticking with "just go full screen in SBS mode with XR glasses and if things are broken fix it with software, like Bino".

Support for SBS is simply non existent in web players.

This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to Beko Pharm

Yeah it's fascinating, very cool it's working for you! I've not got any glasses to test it on but your posts are convincing me to maybe get some...
in reply to Marc

can recommend to watch some demos of the Breezy project:…
This entry was edited (1 month ago)