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Trip to SW Wisconsin

A few weeks ago Glenn and I drove to the Driftless region of Wisconsin to spend a weekend with Nathan, who had driven over from Minneapolis. On Saturday we kayaked, hiked and picnicked at Governor Dodge State Park and on Sunday we toured Frank Lloyd Wright's home, Taliesin East. (Sorry, I only have photos from Saturday.)

Glenn buying sweet corn from a farm stand (with some help from the farmer's cat).

in reply to Cobie

Interesting that Wisconsin has a region named Driftless. I'll have to look it up to see what it means.

It looks like you had a wonderful time with Nathan! Wisconsin has such beautiful lakes :-)

@Cobie I can't see the last 2 photos. Maybe it's a permission issue -- the photos must have a permission setting of "Public" to be seen, I think.

This entry was edited (6 months ago)
in reply to Dirk


Never covered by ice during the last ice age, the [Driftless] area lacks the characteristic glacial deposits known as drift.

That is from Wikipedia

This entry was edited (6 months ago)
in reply to Dirk

@Cobie I logged in as you and found that the last 2 photos had the wrong permission setting. They were visible only to you ("private"), so I made them visible to everyone ("public").