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Redbournbury Watermill & Bakery

Today I biked to Redbournbury Watermill & Bakery. It's not far away. There has been a mill on, or near, that site for 1,000 years! How cool is that?! The mill is open Saturday mornings, and it's just like a museum. They have done such a good job with it -- there are 4 floors in the mill and they have interesting equipment and information on each floor. I am going back. They also have a bakery with items made with the flour they mill and I bought some bread and other goodies. It's delicious, and something tells me that we will be eating Redbournbury Bakery bread from now on. Unfortunately, because there is less water in the river than there used to be, the mill is now powered by an engine. That takes some of the magic out of it for me, but it's still special 😊