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!Friendica Support Out of curiosity is there a way in Friendica to ONLY allow the friends to comment on your posts? I know that basically anyone can regardless, but to never be visible to you almost like anyone who is not your friend, is IGNORED. I think that could be a great way to deal with the trolls and for big accounts to better manage their mental health.

EDIT: I created this issue

in reply to Tio

@Tio Only in follower-only posts at the moment I’m afraid.

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in reply to Hypolite Petovan

Meaning you can limit the interactions on your posts to your followers? Am not sure I understood that.

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in reply to Tio

@Tio Follower-only posts are private to your followers, meaning only your followers can have access to it and therefore interact with it.

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in reply to Hypolite Petovan

Sounds like Tio's idea is that everybody can see it but only followers comment.
That's a nice idea.
Reshares (links) will be used to comment on them without your intarction.

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in reply to Tio

@Tio ... That would be nice, to prevent certain people from commenting on my (public) post. Sometimes persons can really destroy a post when they are too penetrant. I had also asked this question and was told that ActivityPub does not allow this, currently. My hope is, that AP could possibly be improved one day. So I can control who comments or even "close the discussion" if it gets too much.

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in reply to xy..

@xy.. @Tio

I didn't realise it worked that way, good to know. If I post for followers only and a follower reshares that, does the scope change to their followers or will it remain mine?

Just thinking, if I don't want non-followers to comment, why would I want to post publicly?

@Tio @xy..

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in reply to Jerry van Kooten

"Followers only" posts are not public. The reshare only is allowed on public posts.
This entry was edited (7 months ago)
in reply to Jerry van Kooten

Just thinking, if I don't want non-followers to comment, why would I want to post publicly?

Because you may simply want others to see your posts but not want to see their responses to it. Like I can make a Wordpress blogpost and do not allow anyone to comment. At times this is useful, especially when you may get invaded by trolls.

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in reply to Tio


Tio's bio wrote:

so that we can understand us, the atoms, and the rest of the universe

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in reply to utopiArte

haah ok you found the answer already. i can retire.

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Unknown parent

Yes but I am thinking about public posts that anyone can see, but only some can comment to.

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