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I actually saved my credentials, so didn't have to thankfully reinstall the CMS, which would have sucked.

The answer to that question is no. Nature came first... we came after.

Is nature good and beautiful only when it is beneficial to humans? 🐺

Here's my achievement for this week on Glasp 📚
Let's learn and contribute to future generations together 🤝
#glasp #learninpublic


Bloodlines of the Illuminati is well worth the money. I recommend this gem to all serious students of hidden history. Fritz Springmeier served eight years behind bars for daring to expose these people with this very detailed and well researched book:… #ad



So would Boston. I would be the first to go if one opened up here!

Las Vegas would be a great location for a Psilocybin Mushroom dispensary

Reply to @nathell's Hyperlinks in Handwriting:…

Handwritten index card that reads: "Daniel, I love that you've come up with another interesting way to hand write a blog: I've documented a few others I've found at <a href= Perhaps some of the ideas there might help? I particularly love that people are writing their comments out to send back to you. I hope this all catches on! —Chris"" title="Handwritten index card that reads: "Daniel, I love that you've come up with another interesting way to hand write a blog: I've documented a few others I've found at Perhaps some of the ideas there might help? I particularly love that people are writing their comments out to send back to you. I hope this all catches on! —Chris"">