Clear skies for the #Orionid meteor shower tonight. It's not one of the biggest ones, but good chance if you stand outside for 20 minutes you'll spot one. #wbz
Purpose-built for ultra-short depth and low power, with a unique sled and chassis to meet the demands of today’s retail, manufacturing and defense workloads.
NEW DROP! 🔥 Snag all your GNC favorites in a new Girl Scout Cookie™ inspired flavor. 🙌 Don't miss out on the caramel brownie flavor of Adventurefuls™!🚩 Hit the link or head to your local GNC to shop NOW!
I sang of leaves, of leaves of gold, and leaves of gold there grew: Of wind I sang, a wind there came and in the branches blew. Beyond the Sun, beyond the Moon, the foam was on the Sea, And by the strand of Ilmarin there grew a golden Tree.🍂Tolkien: Galadriel's Song of Eldamar🍁
There have been some I loved who felt like Home. I thought we were Forever Friends. Some betrayed me. Others I betrayed, alas! Some who didn't feel like Home have stayed. And a few who feel like Home are with me, still! May we ever be steadfast, true, in our love loyal as hounds!
One of the benefits of membership are the Troth devotional groups. We have groups for Freya, Hel, Thor, and others, over a variety of platforms. Come check it out!
We are incredibly excited to launch Technology Preview 1 of Third Room: an open, decentralised vision of the metaverse without NFTs or blockchains - built entirely on @matrixdotorg. Check it out!
In Tampa, @MattStrahm opened a box of 1983 @Topps containing Michigan test wrap packs, hunting for a RC of Tampa native & @RedSox legend @ChickenMan3010!
In 1632 Watertown citizens voted not to pay a tax imposed by the General Court to help fortify City of Cambridge because the tax had been levied without Watertown's representation, sowing seeds for the rally cry during the American Revolution "No taxation without representation"
A question we get all the time: 'but why?'. So much, we decided to write up an article explaining all the possible reasons you may want to run #PHP on #dotNET:
From 1630 until the filling of the Back Bay neighborhood of Boston in the mid 1800's, the land from this line marking on Bay State Road on the Boston University campus, point north to the Charles River, was underwater.