Items tagged with: plotter
Automating The Process Of Drawing With Chalk
#art #chalk #plotter #polarcoordinates #robot #sidewalk #hackaday
posted by pod_feeder_v2
Automating The Process Of Drawing With Chalk
Chalk is fun to draw with, and some people even get really good at using it to make art on the sidewalk. If you don’t like tediously developing such skills, though, you could go another route…Hackaday
ich hab für Sticker Interessierte in und um Freiburg eine Signal Gruppe aufgemacht,
für Austausch, Drucken, gemeinsam gestalten und entwerfen.. Ideen, Tips etc.pp.
wenn du Interesse hast und im Freiburger Raum unterwegs bist, meld dich gern mit PM
@c3stoc @c3spoc @cccfr @strandcafe @Sticker2000
#sticker #freiburg #diy #plotter #trans #foss #gimp #inkscape #design #queer #antifa #cccfr #strandcafe
Very neat: someone has recreated the Valiant LOGO turtle robot as open source with modern components. You can drive it from Python via BLE, or you can talk to it via serial or IR from a BBC Micro running LOGO
The Valiant Turtle 2 —…
#RetroComputing #OpenSource #OpenHardware #LOGO #turtle #plotter #BBCMicro #MicroPython
The Plot Thickens…
Having already finished one Christmas project, it’s time to tick off another one.
This time to build a Brachiograph. This is a simple pen plotter that is based around an arm with a “shoulder” and “elbow” joints that are hobby servos (there is a 3rd servo to lift the pen/pencil off the paper).
I first saw one of these when @andypiper posted about some of the plots he’s done.
I […]
Getting arty with a Pi
This week I built a BrachioGraph (as mentioned in my comment on "What was your win this week?"). It's...Andy Piper (DEV Community)
New Pens For Old Plotters
#peripheralshacks #retrocomputing #alps #atari #pen #plotter #plotterpen #hackaday
posted by pod_feeder_v2
New Pens For Old Plotters
Finding consumables is an ever-present problem facing anyone working with old computer hardware. Many of these devices ceased manufacture decades ago and what old stock remains is invariably degrad…Hackaday
A Compact SCARA Arm Plotter
#robotshacks #plotter #robot #scara #scaraarm #hackaday
posted by pod_feeder_v2
A Compact SCARA Arm Plotter
If you’re unfamiliar with SCARA robots, the acronym stands for Selective Compliance Assembly Robot Arm. This refers to the fact that the arms are rigid in the Z axis but somewhat compliant in…Hackaday
Ender 3 Plotter Attachment for Printing Onto Cassettes
#3dprinterhacks #ender3 #plotter #hackaday
posted by pod_feeder_v2
Ender 3 Plotter Attachment For Printing Onto Cassettes
One way to look at FDM 3D printers is as machines that turn filament into three-dimensional objects, but at their core they are much more versatile than that. Since they can move just about any too…Hackaday
Need a Serial Data Plotter? Better Write Your Own
#softwarehacks #plotter #pyqt #python #serial #hackaday
posted by pod_feeder_v2
Need A Serial Data Plotter? Better Write Your Own
When you’re working with a development team, especially in a supporting capacity, you can often find yourself having to invent tools and support systems that are fairly involved, but don̵…Hackaday
CoreXY on the Pi Pico
#robotshacks #corexy #plotter #rp2040 #hackaday
posted by pod_feeder_v2
CoreXY On The Pi Pico
There are enough off-the-shelf CoreXY mechanisms out there that for the cost of an AliExpress order it’s possible to quickly and cheaply make yourself a plotter. But [Koushani Das], [Mahathi …Hackaday
Lessons Learned While Building a DIY Pen Plotter
#3dprinterhacks #cnchacks #grbl #plotter #hackaday
posted by pod_feeder_v2
Lessons Learned While Building A DIY Pen Plotter
There was a time when plotters were the pinnacle of computer graphics output. While they aren’t as common as they used to be, there are some advantages to having a plotter. [Symon] wanted a p…Hackaday
Pen Plotter Uses Polar Coordinates
#news #cartesian #cnc #penplotter #plotter #polar #polarcoordinates #hackaday
posted by pod_feeder_v2
Pen Plotter Uses Polar Coordinates
To keep track of a location in a two-dimensional space, two measurements are needed. Most of the time, we would naturally think to do this by the Cartesian method, measuring position along one axis…Hackaday
Modern Demo for a Casio PB-700 Pocket Computer Plotter
#retrocomputing #casio #microcassette #midjourney #pb700 #plotter #pocketpc #hackaday
posted by pod_feeder_v2
Modern Demo For A Casio PB-700 Pocket Computer Plotter
[Fred] has a Casio PB-700 pocket calculator / computer, complete with the companion docking station featuring a four-color pen plotter, model FA-10, and a microcassette tape recorder, model CM-1. H…Hackaday
Tried something I wanted to do in ages - screenprinting with flexfoil instead of emulsion. Working with emulsion is a fucking hassle. This works brilliantly if you don't need halftones or super fine details and have a Plotter anyway (lots of my bubble have one).
Sand Drawing Plotter Runs on ESP32
#art #plotter #polarcoordinates #polarplotter #sandplotter #hackaday
posted by pod_feeder_v2
Sand Drawing Plotter Runs On ESP32
Humans have always drawn lines in the sand, whether it’s to communicate a plan of attack or to indicate metaphorically a very real boundary. It’s also something we do just for the aesth…Hackaday
#Veusz – a scientific plotting package
Veusz is a scientific plotting and graphing program with a graphical user interface, designed to produce publication-ready 2D and 3D plots. In addition it can be used as a module in #Python for plotting. Veusz is multiplatform, running on #Windows, #Linux/Unix and #macOS. It supports vector and bitmap output, including #PDF, #Postscript, #SVG and #EMF. Veusz is Free #Software.
#tool #utility #graphics #plotter #mathematics #floss #foss #openSource
Split View
12" x 9"
Micron on Bristol
My first large pen #plotter drawing of 2022!
This drawing and others available at