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Trump endorses House Speaker Mike Johnson amid Republican infighting

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President-elect Donald Trump threw his support behind Republican Mike Johnson amid a fight over House speakership that will culminate in a vote at the end of the week.

Trump endorses House Speaker Mike Johnson amid Republican infighting

President-elect Donald Trump threw his support behind Republican Mike Johnson amid a fight over House speakership that will culminate in a vote at the end of the week.

I assumed without checking that I could switch between two accounts in the Element desktop app on Linux. This turned out to not be the case. However, the Ubuntu Community posted a useful guide detailing several workarounds. I tested the first workaround. Assuming you are using the Element desktop client, open Element with your already-established profile. Then go into the console and run:

element-desktop --profile account2

This will open up a second instance of Element where you can sign into a second account or create a new account. If you want to use your second account, simply launch it from the console using the above command. This is a neat solution. I tip my hat to Ubuntu Community for the very clear and concise guide.…

#element #linux #matrix

Code archaeology

Bill Statler Bill Statler wrote the following post Sun, 29 Dec 2024 22:13:57 -0800
Code archaeology
So, suppose a foolhardy person wanted to see whether the old webpages code is still usable. Suppose he had successfully created app/site/webpages.apd, and installed the app for a test channel.

That leaves one problem: the channel does not have the write_pages permission, and gets a "Permission denied" error.

Is there an admin or command-line tool for granting an arbitrary permission to a channel? Or is this a "hack the database with phpMyAdmin and pray" sort of thing?

@Bill Statler

in reply to Streams

It should have been much easier to add custom permissions, but I kept getting tripped up by how you "deploy" this new permission to existing users, which I had to do a few times. In real life, adding a new permission usually requires a custom database migration to set it correctly for existing folks.

But it really doesn't matter in this case because permissions are the least of your worries. I've deleted a lot of the original webpage code and spent a few years cleaning up dead code. So there's a lot of stuff that won't work even if you hack the permissions.

If you comment out the 4 lines that exit if you lack permissions, you can get /webpages to return a page (instead of an error), but the only thing it will let you do is import/export webpage archives created by somebody else - and I seriously doubt those functions still work correctly - as they will also need to check your permissions. There's a lot of missing code.

in reply to Mike Macgirvin 🖥️

Thanks for that info. It was still worth the time to go through all that stuff, just to learn some things. But I'll take your advice and not try to perform CPR on a fossil.

Dömda för bombdåd på Tjörn frikända. Tre av de personer som dömdes i tingsrätten för ett bombdåd på Tjörn har nu friats i Hovrätten för Västra Sverige. I tingsrätten dömdes två personer, en 42-årg man och en kvinna för att ha placerat ut bomben.…

Texas school district backtracks on Bible ban

Tumblr och Fediversum. Tidigare har företaget som äger bloggplattformen och sociala mediesajten Tumblr sagt att de ska anpassa Tumblr till fediversum. Dvs göra det möjligt för Tumblr att kommunicera med protokollet ActivityPub.…

This entry was edited (2 months ago)

TGIF: Welcome to America, Greenland

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The first MAGA schism, Gaetz exposed, Yahya Sinwar shirts for sale at Walmart, Asma’s healing journey, papal geopolitics, and much, much more.

TGIF: Welcome to America, Greenland

The first MAGA schism, Gaetz exposed, Yahya Sinwar shirts for sale at Walmart, Asma’s healing journey, papal geopolitics, and much, much more.

US homelessness up 18% as affordable housing remains out of reach for many people

Federal officials say the United States saw an 18.1% increase in homelessness, a dramatic rise driven mostly by a lack of affordable housing as well as devastating natural disasters and a surge of migrants in several parts of the country.

How does selfhosting work in China?

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I know a lot of my favorite FOSS is from Chinese coders. Wonder how they host and connect locally?

Experience with Yunohost

I was wondering about the pros and cons about self hosting your services via Yunohost. I currently have all my services hosted in docker containers on a Debian homeserver. As I was planning on a fresh install, setting up an Ansible script to simplify backup & restoring and bake in a centralized user management system (currently I annoyingly have separate passwords for each service for my 5 users).

Now I was wondering if I could get some experience reports from Yunohost users. What are the problems you faced? Are you satisfied? Are there so many services you couldn't find that you rather went the selfhosted way and integrate Authelia or a similar service? Any ideas and feedback is welcome that can help make up my mind.

Installing NetBSD on the Nintendo Wii!

Jag och GG 840 Svanen. En bild från 1958 som visar mig själv på bryggan med GG 840 Svanen bakom mig. Och en bild tagen igår där jag står på samma plats framför GG 840 Svanen. Fast det är en ny brygga av betong som byggdes nån gång på 1960-talet istället för den gamla av trä.…