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How do I upgrade postgresql to -16 on Linux Mint, which sees -12 as the maximum available version?
Is that causing this?
react is listed by your project with version 18.3.1 (p68bdc), which doesn't satisfy what emoji-mart-lazyload and other dependencies request (but they have non-overlapping ranges!).
What must I do to get back on track? Use a different OS? Use a different version of Mint? Re-install? Is there a magic incantation for -16?
My server's down.
Knock knock. Anybody home?
I have zero experience with these required apps that aren't of the correct version.
What do I do?
Anyone out there? Hello? Hello?
Wir stellen Alternativen zu VMware vor
👉 @ProxmoxVE / @KasmWorkspaces (Alexander Karls, Pegasus GmbH)
👉 Proxmox im Einsatz bei Fr. Ant. Niedermayr GmbH & Co. KG (Simon Wandzel, Niedermayr und Alexander Karls, pegasus GmbH)
▶️ Jetzt die Aufzeichnung vom Beitrag auf dem Digital Summit 2024 anschauen:…
#pegasusIT #ITventiveGroup #ITSecurity #ITSicherheit #DigitalSummit2024 #proxmox #kasm
October 09, 2024 at 08:29AM
#VáclavJanTomášek 1774 -1850
#PianoConcerto No-2 in E-flat major, Op.20 (1805)
I Allegro con brio
II Adagio ma non troppo
III: Allegro assai
classicalmusic group reshared this.
C’est avec grand plaisir que nous annonçons la parution du premier ouvrage de la collection Des Livres en Communs !
L'Amour en Commun, un ouvrage de Margaux Lallemant et Timothé Bodo, dans la collection DLeC.…
#Framasoft #DesLivresEnCommun #DLeC #essai #creativecommons #communs #societe #culturelibre
Pour rappel, Des Livres en Communs est un projet cherchant à inventer une alternative au modèle d’édition classique, en proposant une bourse aux autrices et auteurs en amont de l’écriture, ainsi qu’une publication de l’ouvrage sous licence libre.
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Framasoft reshared this.
@Pyb Tout cela ne nous rajeunit pas effectivement (ouvrage sorti début 2013) !
Trop chouette
Trop envie de le lire
Bon, je me prendrai la tête plus tard pour comprendre pourquoi je n'arrive ni à ouvrir l'epub sur mon PC Linux, ni à l'envoyer sur ma Kindle
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"Il consenso del governo Meloni ha qualcosa di eccezionale" (sarà forse che ha avversari di mer*a e un elettorato di rincoglioniti?)
I partiti che lo supportano hanno più consensi rispetto a due anni fa, mentre i loro predecessori ne hanno persi…
Informa Pirata reshared this.
Cosa mai potrebbe andare storto?
Il che' e' un problema, grosso.
#MajaSKRatkje *1973
Considering Icarus (2021)
#StephenMenotti #Trombone
#classicalmusic #contemporarymusic
#musik #music #musique #musica #Ratkje
< polycule > #matrix client is now available on #AlpineLinux and #postmarketOS @postmarketOS !
It's build for touch and keyboard input, perfectly adopts to handheld devices on Linux and finally offers you a geeky but yet Linux mobile optimized [matrix] experience as well as nice accessibility integration.…
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In un angolo remoto dell’universo, una civiltà avanzata di esploratori alieni atterrò su un pianeta sconosciuto. La loro astronave, scintillante di luci blu e argento, si posò delicatamente su un terreno verdeggiante e rigoglioso. Gli esploratori, alti e snelli, con occhi luminosi e curiosi, scesero dalla nave e iniziarono a esplorare il nuovo mondo. Il paesaggio era mozzafiato: montagne maestose si ergevano all’orizzonte, fiumi cristallini scorrevano tra…
Sverigedemokraterna och gängen. Det faktum att Jimmie Åkesson hade en gängkriminell gäst på sitt brölopp hart föranlett ett stort antal artiklar i media. Klart är att Åkesson känt den aktuelle mannen, Robert Hedarv, i många år. Han är lokal president i en av tre lokalföreningar (chapters) som Comanches MC har i Sverige.…
in reply to Track_Shovel • • •Your child full of micro plastics, their child full of micro plastics and their grandchild full of micro plastics will be joining in eventually
At least asbestos and lead didn't get passed down to children and permeate the entire food chain and all the water
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in reply to flashgnash • • •NoForwardslashS
in reply to Track_Shovel • • •like this
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Nicht BurningTurtle
in reply to Track_Shovel • • •like this
NoneOfUrBusiness likes this.
Lem Jukes
in reply to Track_Shovel • • •YOU!
What, do you own the world?
How do you own disorder?
in reply to Lem Jukes • • •NOW
Somewhere between the secret silence
Secret Silence and sweets...
in reply to Track_Shovel • • •NauticalNoodle
in reply to zephiriz • • •ReakDuck
in reply to NauticalNoodle • • •OsrsNeedsF2P
in reply to zephiriz • • •freeman
in reply to OsrsNeedsF2P • • •Great MinuteEarth Video about PFAS (4')
in reply to freeman • • •PFAS are hydrophobic molecules so, not knowing what to do with it, your system will store them with the fat (also hydrophobic). Doesn't do much in itself (depends on the exact molecule though) but the issue is bioaccumulation and amplification: imagine the food chain as a large hopper, sprinkle a bit of none biodegradable shit on top and imagine the dose you get at the bottom of it.
In larger quantities you start disrupting processes in the body often leading to cancers or a myriad of symptoms caused by endocrine disrupting.
Edit: commented before watching your link, there's slightly more to it but that's the gist yup
in reply to OsrsNeedsF2P • • •I know im bumping something a bit dead but watched this today and thought I would add it to this for the person who comes across this.
in reply to Track_Shovel • • •Sam_Bass
in reply to Track_Shovel • • •Sconrad122
in reply to Sam_Bass • • •Track_Shovel
in reply to Sam_Bass • • •Sam_Bass
in reply to Track_Shovel • • •ouRKaoS
in reply to Track_Shovel • • •Monument
in reply to Track_Shovel • • •Microplastics are terrifying and all that, but I’m sort of more worried about plasticisers like BPA, BPF, BPS and the rest of the alphabet of BP-whatever’s that was created and brought into use after the dangers of BPA were realized.
Just a heads up - if something plastic says it’s BPA-free, it probably uses a different bisphenol compound that is less studied than BPA. And is likely as toxic (or even more toxic)!
But nobody ever talks about those, because science words.
in reply to Monument • • •Zink
in reply to Monument • • •Chuymatt
in reply to Zink • • •Yah. Gone all glass, metal, silicone, and ceramics.
My wife still wants to cook eggs on her non-stick pans, though.
in reply to Zink • • •You might not be better off with metal ustensils, loads of PFAS are used in the manufacturing process and end up in the finished product.
A professor once told me: "You cannot avoid contamination, you just have to diversify the sources."
FYI items labeled as microwavable are tested to assess what leaches in the food or liquids under normal use. The leachate has to be identified and approved by the FDA (doesn't mean safe but at least ok-ish)
in reply to Monument • • •Monument
in reply to Midnitte • • •That’s very fair, indeed.
Perhaps awareness of one will spark awareness of the other. I suppose my concern is that plasticisers are sort of a ‘hidden’ risk, for the most part. They’re used in nearly every food packaging (and prep, such as hoses) that isn’t contained in glass, or served up in its own peel.
in reply to Track_Shovel • • •BlueFootedPetey
in reply to Track_Shovel • • •Retrograde
in reply to BlueFootedPetey • • •Flocklesscrow
in reply to Retrograde • • •Midnitte
in reply to Track_Shovel • • •itslilith
in reply to Midnitte • • •Edge004
in reply to itslilith • • •BruceLee
in reply to Track_Shovel • • •rangeCheck
in reply to Track_Shovel • • •NιƙƙιDιɱҽʂ
in reply to rangeCheck • • •Captain Aggravated
in reply to rangeCheck • • •Match!!
in reply to Track_Shovel • • •HeyThisIsntTheYMCA
in reply to Track_Shovel • • •