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Thank you so much Jurgen for becoming our new 200 for TROM supporter!

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Real Vintage Photo of 'Demon' Posing with Family?

Social media users have made various claims about the identity of the "family" in the image, from saying it shows the Rothschilds to the Netanyahus.…

Weekly progress report 8


- Receive and test second candidate device: SZBOX JX5


- Fix black and white fallback text colors


- Add bash history function


- Create aliases for scripts from Script
- Get Manaplus from AUR
- Create empty files/folders


- Open pull request:…

Contributions, donations welcome.

Le numéro 352 de septembre 2024 est disponible !

Au programme : la lutte contre les coupes rases en forêt, connaître les groupes locaux d'extrême droite pour mieux les combattre, des articles sur l'internationalisme, sur l'histoire du capitalisme, ainsi que sur la facette moins mise en avant de Paul Watson

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S'abonner : boutique.unioncommunistelibert…
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Couverture du numéro 352 (septembre 2024) d'alternative libertaire Le titre principal est "la lutte antifasciste est internationale !"

in reply to Snopes (website mirror)

the 'missing finger' is behind the camera to hit the button to take the picture.
I do this frequently. The other two are decidedly suspicious but to get one of three points wrong in your conclusions is bad. Try testing out the poses before you decide if things are missing or not.

in reply to Adam Hunt

No, It s the right one. I was referring to how the man was complying with the first officer by walking out of the hotel, when two more arrived, grabbed, tased, and assaulted him. He then died after vomiting and bleeding from the mouth.

TROM II - Podemos automatizar casi todo…

"Me parece una locura que la gente tenga que dedicar tanto tiempo a hacer trabajos inútiles que se pueden automatizar fácilmente, sólo porque necesitan hacer algo para conseguir algo de dinero y poder básicamente sobrevivir en este mundo."

"Podemos automatizar casi todo tipo de trabajo aburrido, innecesario y monótono y dejar que la gente tenga tiempo libre para ser creativa, para investigar problemas, para la ciencia y para aprender más sobre este planeta y cómo nos relacionamos con él."

Rassemblement unitaire pour la #DefenseIVG demain 28 septembre à 14h devant le CCCOD Rue Nationale à #Tours

4p #UnionCommunisteLibertaire téléchargeable :…

TROM II: Trade-Free…

#trade-free #volunteering #volunteers

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The american "motorhomes" are honestly insane...

The motorhome we are looking to buy is maybe a bit bigger than that pickup truck in the photo haha. Even if someone would give me that motorhome and it won't be an issue driving or parking it, I would sell it day one and buy a "normal" motorhome.

It is simply insane to me how in US people don't look at this and laugh or be shocked. That is a fucking train.

#motorhome #america #usa

Délais de paiement, le BTP est exemplaire

Le #BTP est exemplaire en matière de délais de paiement, il est des plus rigoureux dans le règlement des #factures avec des délais inférieurs à 10 jours, contrairement aux acheteurs publics qui fragilisent la #trésorerie de nombreuses entreprises. #ERP…

Ethical Revolution

I've signed up here for the 26 steps (one every two weeks) to being an Ethical Rebel! Things many of us on here are already doing. I know my individual stands I take can't change the world by themselves, but we can be part of the community that is moving in a new direction, maybe...
So, step 1 (they are alphabetical!) is Abandon Amazon…
Easy, I have already done this with the help of the behometh itself. A few years ago when I was trying to be a seller as well as a buyer I got mixed up with the multiple accounts, lost passwords, and Amazon's "change password" codes which were supposed to come by phone never did! A blessing in disguise! I decided to just leave it that way. However a family member who is a very ethical person is nevertheless constantly buying from Amazon including when they send me a the boxes still can show up on my doorstep. #ethicalconsumer