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Well said!
We need to take action because they are ruining OUR society right now!

My soapbox is getting a workout today, sorry y’all…

But I’m seeing all these posts with something like “when he’s done with #trans folks and #immigrants, he’ll come for you next”.

And yes, that’s absolutely both terrifying and true. But also, it shouldn’t be what’s motivating you to take a stand NOW.

If he comes for ANYone, EVERYone should raise hell because it’s wrong, not because it might directly impact you down the line. Marginalized groups are not the shield you get to use to pressure test how bad things will be when it’s your turn in front of the firing squad.

#uspol #trump

Dead Funkwhale Instance?

So I think my #funkwhale instance ( may have collapsed? It has not been accessible for several days now, the stats for the instance are zeroed out, etc. No communication from the admin, though, so I'm not sure what's going on. I guess I'll wait a few more days and see what's up before joining a new pod. I won't be able to migrate, though, since I can't even log in to my existing pod, but I didn't really have much there yet anyway...

Motorhome DONE (3): The thing we didn't think we need…

This is a space that's usually ignored by most, and yet useful every single day. For storage, or as a table. We love our countertop 😃.

#motorhome #spain #europe #vanlife :)

Motorhome DONE (3): The thing we didn't think we need

This is a space that's usually ignored by most, and yet useful every single day. For storage, or as a table. We love our countertop :).

Rokosun reshared this.

reshared this

in reply to Alastor "El Pouleto" Mysterio

@Alastor "El Pouleto" Mysterio,
Faut passer au papier et stylo encre.
Ce que je fais pour certains de mes potos.
Un vrai régal.
Il te faut essayer. :)
in reply to Alain Cognito

Oui, avant que le courrier postal ne disparaisse...
(sinon, je repostais juste le texte de Fla que j'ai trouvé assez complet sur le sujet)