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Le #4mars à 18haura lieu une conférence débat Santé & #ExtremeDroite à la fac des Tanneurs à #Tours. Organisée par le RAFT (auquel participe l' #UnionCommunisteLibertaire 37), interviendront RESF37 sur l'AME, le Réseau Féministe sur l'accès à l'IVG et l'OST sur l'accès aux soins.

A collection of USAID funding rumors, fact-checked

With a promise to end "waste, fraud and abuse" within the agency, the Trump administration has made various claims about its past spending.…

Yes, photo shows Trump's mug shot framed on White House wall

A picture from a meeting with Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi purportedly showed Trump's mug shot from 2023 displayed on a wall in the background.…

Il primo libro su Danilo Dolci in lingua spagnola. A cura di Daniel Buraschi. Con un mio contributo su comunicazione e potere in Danilo Dolci.

But won't it be better for women getting abortions if they do NOT show up on the federal radar?

'To say there are no abortions going on in South Dakota is ludicrous,” said Amy Kelley, an OB-GYN in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, citing female patients who have come to her hospital after taking abortion pills or to have medical procedures meant to prevent death or end nonviable pregnancies. “I can think of five off the top of my head that I dealt with,” she said, “and I have 15 partners.”…