Stanley Cups Were Originally Invented for WWII Pilots?
The original “thermos for tough guys” supposedly has become the “TikTok obsession of millennials.”
No, Women Do Not Retain DNA from Every Man They've Slept With
This recurring claim makes a mockery of the science on which it is based.
Mark Twain Was Born and Died on Days Halley's Comet Flew Past Earth?
"I came in with Halley's Comet … and I expect to go out with it," the author once said.
Video Shows French President Emmanuel Macron in Club 'Before His Political Life'?
Among other things challenging the video's authenticity is the presence of Macron's face on everybody in the club.
Do an iPhone's 'Journaling Suggestions' Settings Reveal Your Name and Location to Strangers?
A viral warning was shared on Facebook in early 2024 that said a relatively new app named Journal posed a possible criminal threat to iPhone users.
Did Cher Once Say 'I'm Going to Blow My Brains Out' if Trump Is Reelected?
We looked far and wide for the source of these supposed remarks, which went back further than expected.
Did Denzel Washington Turn Down $100M Disney Offer to Work With Robert De Niro?
Despite their respectively long and successful careers in Hollywood, Washington and De Niro have never appeared in a movie together.
Maj. Gen. Thomas Suelzer Broke Military Code by Wearing Uniform During Trump Speech?
Military members are not allowed to wear their uniforms at partisan political events.
Did Ronald Reagan Have Alzheimer's Disease While Still in Office?
Reagan was diagnosed with the disease five years after he left office.
Jack Posobiec Spoke at CPAC About Wanting to Overthrow Democracy?
One CNN host said the statement made her want to light her hair on fire.
Did 100 Migrants Attack Security Guards at Home Depot in Chicago?
"SHOCK REPORT: 911 call reveals OVER 100 MIGRANTS attacking security officers at Chicago Home Depot," users claimed in a virally shared video.
Did Academy of Country Music Deny Beyoncé's Membership Request?
"We thought she was joking," the Academy of Country Music allegedly said.
Sylvester Stallone Refused to Work with Robert De Niro for Being 'Woke'?
A viral post claims Sylvester Stallone turned down a $1 billion project because he doesn't "work with woke people."
Did Trump Call His Wife 'Mercedes' in CPAC Speech?
Critics of the former president shared a video clip of him supposedly forgetting Melania's name.
Cool Ranch Doritos Called 'Cool American' in Sweden?
Few people outside the United States know what ranch dressing is, let alone what it tastes like, so the brand must adapt.
Pic Shows Father Who Fainted After Seeing His Newborn Triplets for 1st Time in 1946?
"He's calculating how much it's gonna cost to raise them," one Reddit user commented.