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GPT-4V(ision) Unsuitable for Clinical Care and Education: A Clinician-Evaluated Assessment

Another evidence that LLMs and generative "AI" in general were just overhyped and overinflated by Microsoft and others. What was sounding horrifying and threatening for the people's jobs and work positions on the one hand and on the other as a new "neverseen breakthrough" for humanity, ended up as just a product of agressive PR, the same as crypto and web 3.0 a few years back, the same as any further potential bloated promises to raise the profits and sell more exaggerated innovations.


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in reply to Roma

Not surprised. The PDF can be found here btw - I am sure the use of "AI" in science could be useful. There are some examples that if you train it on relevant data and gear towards specific goals can have good results…

But yah, the fucking hype around it is astonishing.

Rokosun reshared this.

in reply to Tio

100%, a technology is very useful, no doubts. But technicians should carefully position it as a tool that you may tune and use for your advances in specific areas and under certain circumstances, rather than overhype it to create a demand on false statements and exaggerations, to sell more copies of their "product", including medical research organizations. Take it calm, you know, like scientists do when a new theory about universe emerges, they test it first, critique, find pros and cons and etc. There's always a temptation to be overhyped, but at least in scientific community they manage somehow. And I'm not even starting my rant about how trade poisons the science.. 😆

How Old Were the US Founding Fathers on July 4, 1776?

"The constitution was basically a Reddit post," wrote one social media user commenting on the young ages of some of the so-called "Founding Fathers."…

Watch the entire documentary here -…

TROM II: We can automate almost anything

Watch the entire documentary here -…

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These days I will start to post snippets from TROM II on our Peertube and auto-reshare on our TROM Friendica page. There are around 50 such snippets and are all relevant.

I was planing to do this for some time.

Let's see if anyone wants to help out to share them on ytb and fb too, just in case... But I will not touch those platforms. We still have some legacy TROM accounts there that are not quite managed/updated but let's see...

I will do as much as I can by myself, however I need help to do more than I currently do. I do not have several heads with brains, and multiple arms....


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