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Politics, a cringe show. And USA has the most popular of the shows.

Empty words, rich people, a cult of following. Nothing changes: most people have to trade their lives to survive (work), the rich are getting richer, inequality on the rise, the destruction of nature is flourishing. More idiots, more stupidity, shittier and fake lives.

Planet Trade. Welcome. Very predictable. Enjoy the show, slurp the fantasies.

#TradeRuinsEverything #trade #capitalism #politics #dnc #inequality #justice

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British journalist Richard Medhurst was arrested in Heathrow airport under the Schedule 12 Terrorism Act

Without being informed on the exact comments he allegedly made, Medhurst says he was informed that he uttered comments in supportive of a proscribed terrorist group and was held for 24 hours upon his arrival in London. He has stated that this appears to be an intimidation tactic designed to silence his work as a journalist.

Introduction Post

Thought I would make an #introduction post. Was previously on, though unfortunately it had a SQL database corrupted previously and then has been having some downtime lately so I've migrated here.

I sometimes write blog posts or work on occasional projects like a janky multi-protocol python client. Otherwise I mostly just share the occasional article I find interesting/amusing or random thought that comes to mind.

I'm also on Nostr @Nate you should be able to follow my account there on both Nostr & Activity Pub, but sometimes things like '@s' or DMs are janky hence accounts on both protocols.

in reply to fionag11

I've tried many search engines over the years (most of those listed here) but have settled on DDG for my daily searches. I have not used google for at least ten years now.
in reply to fionag11

DDG is merely adequate - and seems to be becoming less so. I will fall back to Google when I have-to, but even their results seem to be of lesser quality than in the past. This may very well be a symptom of "garbage in, garbage out", as well as corporate manipulation of the search mechanisms.

in reply to fionag11

Religious zealots (whether Muslim, Jewish, Christian, Hindu, or whatever) are a crazy and dangerous bunch.


I would really like people to know about this very cool Canadian company that sells beautiful soaps, embroidered products, and more made by Palestinian refugees

GM7077 reshared this.

Out of 654 Thai foreign workers questioned, all of them said they had been exposed to sexual assault.

A report, uncovered during the #Knesset's Special Committee on Foreign Workers on Tuesday, shows that all Thai foreign workers who work in Israeli agriculture have experienced some form of sexual assault at their jobs.

The report, compiled by immigration expert Dr. Yahel Kurlander and Dr. Shahar Shoham, detailed that out of 654 Thai foreign workers questioned, all of them said they have been exposed to sexual assault.โ€ฆ

#Israel #SexualAssault #Agriculture #Politics #Racism #Inhumanity #Immorality #Impunity
