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Our Peertube instance ( got blasted with over 100 user registrations for the past hour or less. At times more than one registration per minute. This is abnormal and for sure these are bots. We've seen some "qanon" conspiracy crap videos being posted immediately after these registrations on our instance. Until we investigate further we've closed the registrations and restricted user uploads. So yah.....there we go....the internet's and facebook's garbage is trying to find a new place to post their nonsense.

It is very unfortunate but we will come up with a solution. Our Peertube instance will never die. #tromlive

Rokosun reshared this.

in reply to TROM

There are some good captcha options that you can use -

You've never tried to restrict the free speach of your users, even when they post a lot of crap. I respect this, but you can and should block bots from accessing your service.
in reply to Rokosun

I will add captcha as I've done in the past but from what I talked to a few people who registered on our Peertube is possible they were not all bots, they were trump supporters apparently...and this qanon is unbelievable. Captchas won't stop those for sure....
in reply to TROM

I thought you were pretty confident that they're bots. If they're actually humans captcha won't stop them.

This would be really hard to deal with. I think you might have to start censoring these, this sucks :(
in reply to Rokosun

I was sure they were bots, at least most of them. Since they registered every minute. Like 5 a minute at times....I opened the registrations again with upload limits + captcha to see what happens...and it seems they keep on registering. So yah...challenging....