[share author='Roma' profile='https://social.trom.tf/profile/esh' avatar='https://social.trom.tf/photo/133815196160ad8b2377357761626644-5.jpeg?ts=1621986114' link='https://social.trom.tf/display/dbc8dc44-1865-67c3-919e-697339903362' posted='2023-11-29 23:04:49' guid='dbc8dc44-1865-67c3-919e-697339903362' message_id='https://social.trom.tf/objects/dbc8dc44-1865-67c3-919e-697339903362']
What you see on this picture is a first ever made image of the multi-planetary system made by ESO's Very Large Telescope (SPHERE instrument). Those two dots marked with the arrows are the planets rotating around the Sun-like star in Musca constellation (other dots are background stars that also have been captured in the image).
Imagine that for a second.. There's absolutely another, but yet similar world somewhere out there in 310 light years away from us and we, Humans, have an opportunity to have a glimpse on it. This is truly mesmerizing if you think about it. What else we can achieve together in collaboration? What other mysteries and unimaginable worlds can be discovered? What varieties of the life forms and environments we can observe in the vast Universe?
I've been thinking about it recently.. We don't even need to go that far, look at our own solar system, for example. Take Venus, this completely weird world located not that far away from our home and yet so different. One day on it lasts around 243 Earth's days, a temperature of the surface can reach 464 degrees of Celcius and there are the rains.. made of the sulphuric, fucking, acid 🤯 Of course it's deadly for us, Humans, but just imagine that it is our closest neighbour and it's so unhinged. And Jupiter, Neptune and Pluto.. all those moons.. all are so diverse! Incredible cosmos and yet so vicious world we live in, with so much of unnecesary suffering, wars, poverty and famine.. all for the sake of The Cult of Trade.
Never forget to look above and dream, folks!