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It was a pleasure to have @Hypolite Petovan and @Michael Vogel to our TROMcast again. This time discussing the moderation on the fediverse. Full episode here…
in reply to Hypolite Petovan

some names next to the cam windows would really help πŸ€”

For example I only recognize @hypolite

in reply to Beko Pharm

It is very difficult. I tried that but we use Jitsi Meet for the call + OBS for the streaming. And Jitsi does not have such an option. And usually people may join while the live goes on so if I add the names manually near each window then that won't work. We tried a lot believe me and I can't seem to find a solution. I'll make sure form now on I will ask everyone to say who they are before we start the show :).
in reply to Tio

"I'm a dev, let me through!"

Yes, it's quick'n dirty but that should even work if you don't control the Jitsi instance πŸ€“

in reply to Beko Pharm

heh bless your soul that's actually something that may work, and I'm very familiar with CSS so I can tweak it any way I want. I'll for sure try that for the next TROMcast. Love the idea, and I thought about something similar but didn't know I can also "inspect" the Jitsi Meet app, since I do not use it in the browser for the live.
in reply to Tio

Hello, I see you πŸ‘‹πŸ˜Ί Great to *see* Fediverse stars every once in a while :p Idea: a promo video (short, quick moving scenes, entertaining, maybe with some effects) with all Fediverse developers who wish to join. A juicy look and feel of who's behind our ecosystem. "Hello, I'm . and I develop Friendica" (links, mascot at the bottom). Random compilation of short answers. Jokes, smiles, awkward moments. "Join Fediverse" from each one at the end 🎬 A New Year video treat 🍰
in reply to lostinlight

Perfect, a bunch of variously bearded white men looking uncomfortable acting on camera, I can't wait for this smash hit!
in reply to Hypolite Petovan

Well, you didn't look too uncomfortable πŸ€” And I believe Mobilizon, Funkwhale and some other teams have women onboard. Also, I don't really think it's about beards, genders or color. It's about human part. I honestly don't come hear to read about goddam Linux! But, if you think it's a bad idea... /me hides behind a πŸ’» @heluecht @tio
in reply to lostinlight

Thank you for the compliment, I just took a cheap shot at FOSS's general lack of diversity, but I would be on board to participate in that project! However, I wouldn't be able to contribute much more than my likeness as I'm utterly incapable of producing a video. I'll act anything but that's pretty much the extent of my abilities.
in reply to Hypolite Petovan

Yeah. I have 100 amazing, vivid, wow ideas for Fediverse - but I can't realize about 99 of them. πŸ˜… Not on my own anyway. So this is just me throwing another idea into the void 🌌 hoping someone special will catch it and get inspired :D (Framasoft video about PeerTube behind the scenes was really well done!) @heluecht @tio
in reply to lostinlight

Don't forget admins (in some/one of these types of projects)! I'd be happy to participate in items relating to promotion of the fediverse!

You'd want another bearded white guy to to help complete the look, right? ;-)

in reply to Tio

Nice job, guys! I haven't watched the whole thing yet, but I've appreciated the first 40 minutes or so.