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The daily random TROM meme, showcasing bits from our books (mostly).
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in reply to TROM

So your solution is to give every person half of a million dollar to stop crime?

It wouldn't work! But that's how a super inflation works and criminal cases would go up. It would just put gas in a fire.

in reply to maxmoon 🌱

Of course not, it is to showcase that if we were to take care of human beings, then most won't even end up in jail. But now humans spend a lot of money to lock these people up. Perhaps that money should be spent to take care of these humans in the first place so they don't end up in jail either.
in reply to TROM

@tio I do feel like maybe some of these memes could be mistaken without the context behind it. When someone's reading the whole book then its clear what the point its trying to make, but without that context I can see how it can be confusing for people like @utopify_org

in reply to Rokosun

I know but there is no easy fix for this...the post says it is a quote from a book.
in reply to Tio

I know there is no easy fix for this, but I thought its important to let you know. Without the context of what the book is trying to say, it can be easily misunderstood. Maybe its not a big issue for people who are already very familiar with TROM, but there's not many of us like that, lol 😅 @utopify_org
in reply to Rokosun

Well this one for example makes sense on its own. It is a good question to be asked. And it can be a conversation started like it has been :)
in reply to Tio

I'm glad that @utopify_org asked that question and started the conversion, but I don't think most people will do that though 😅
in reply to Rokosun

But the irony here is that this image is one of the best ones in terms of having a meaning on its own :D - it is suppose to make people wonder that if you put someone in jail for theft, yet you spend so much money to try and do that, the money you spent there could have prevented the theft if the person had access to it. :P
in reply to Tio

I'm not talking specifically about this image, but still this image was confusing for @utopify_org and that's why they asked that question. So there's still some ambiguity for people who don't know the context, which I think is most people.

This is how they saw it:

> So your solution is to give every person half of a million dollar to stop crime?
It wouldn't work! But that's how a super inflation works and criminal cases would go up. It would just put gas in a fire.

in reply to Rokosun

Yes but in all honesty that interpretation is quite weird. I mean it is clear that it was not such a suggestion but a question about how we spend money on putting people in jail, rather than helping people so they don't end up in jail. I'd be surprised if most people thought the same way this commenter did.
in reply to Tio

I don't know, I wasn't talking about this post in particular but I wouldn't be surprised if more people thought like @utopify_org did, I don't think its a wild interpretation. Because we are already familiar with the context so our brain may not go into such conclusions, but for others this may not be the case. Comments like this indicate that people can get the wrong idea, we shouldn't ignore it.

in reply to Rokosun

I understand that everyone has different interpretations, but his was quite wild. I can't say much about this because it is very strange to me to interpret it in that manner. But again, there is no point in us talking too much about it since there is nothing I can do now except remove them from being shared entirely....
in reply to Tio

Yeah, it sucks that there is no easy fix for this. I only said this because I also had a feeling that maybe some of these would confuse people, this is the first time someone commenting about it though. I don't know, maybe its because I look at everything through a magnifying glass, lol :blobcatgiggle: @utopify_org
in reply to maxmoon 🌱

By the way I can't really see these comments of yours, are you commending directly on "" account or our Friendica account? If you follow "" directly and comment to that then that is a Wordpress website with Activity pub without public comments enabled so we cannot reply to you. Please follow our friendica page and comment on that.
in reply to TROM

Maybe that money could be used to provide the basic necessities of people so they don't need to worry about money in order to survive, but that's just palliative, there is no real solution to these problems as long as we live in a trade based society, as trade is the cause of most of these crimes.
Unknown parent

hm idk but I cannot see your comments unless I specifically look at your account...even now I got no notification. this is the proper account not
Unknown parent

Now I got the notification. Weird....but maybe it works now.
Unknown parent

But at which time should we invest money to avoid it in the first place? In school or right after school, because if people are looking for jobs, they have no money and might get bad thoughts.

Humans should be taken care of from the get-go. Not from this or that age.

I am still not far enough in the book "The Origin of Most Problems" to talk about it a lot, but I somehow miss realistic solutions.

The first part is a story, of about 100 pages long, after that we get into the "facts" part of it. And the book is not about the solutions as it is about the problem. It is a book that argue this is the most important aspect: to understand what the problem is.

There are only claims and the hero proves somehow irrelevant points, because they don't lead to a solution.

Read the book not a bit of it, in order to judge it please.

Unknown parent


I lived for 3 decades now and I've come across such short messages all the time. I was never as confused. But ok, at least you can ask and we can reply. So that's fine. I do not see how the message from this image is confusing. It is a question....if a man is arrested so many times for theft and it costs the tribe so much money to deal with him, would he still steal if they were to give the money to him?

Is similar to: most people do drugs because they are unhappy and poor, yet USA invests a lot of money in criminalizing the drugs. Would these people still do drugs if the USA would pour those money in social programs and help these people?

These do not need much context.....they are quite obvious I'd say.

Unknown parent


I think its actually more worrying when we don't get a response, you at least commented on it so we were able to clear the confusion here, but what if it doesn't get cleared? That's a bigger issue. If someone misinterprets it then:

1. They may think TROM is saying unreasonable things or whatever and leave the project.

2. They can get the wrong message and keep believing it as true.

These are both problems that can be caused by unclear communication.


in reply to Rokosun

This is always going to be the case. It is ok. If there is any meme that's truly confusing on its one I will remove it ;)
Unknown parent

Ok so it seems you are interpreting it as such then....strange but ok. Of course we are not saying they should give everyone 1 million dollar. We are saying that if you were to help people they would not steal probably. If people had access to what they need at least, most crimes would not exist.
in reply to Tio

Simply put, Tio's point was to use that 1 million dollar for humanitarian projects and such, to actually help people.

> I would even say rich people are getting bored really fast and to "feel alive" they have to do something illegal (and it will be much bigger).

You may feel like that but I don't think this is true, there's a lot of other better ways to "feel alive" than doing illegal things. Committing crimes is not fun like they show in some movies, lol. @utopify_org

Unknown parent


I gave you a random and invented example to bring home the point about misinterpreting small bits of text. And you got that one right but not the original post.

Happiness Index? I wonder what is that about.

There are lots of statistic sand documentaries about drugs and who or why they consume. here - many poor people and homeless ones, end up drug addicts simply because of the harsh life they have to endure. The drug use in those that are not poor, is also related to their unhappy life, but of course also influenced by all sort of media that they consume, and by those who sell the drugs.

in reply to Tio

Mexico and Columbia are in the top 5 on the Happy Planet Index, yet they are huge drug producers (and consumers).

Mexico is bordering the biggest market in the world, USA. Of course they are making a business out of it.


Unknown parent


> Your theory is not true about why most people are doing drugs and you build up on it to create another open question.

Hold on, the image in the post was talking about theft which is obviously a result of poverty. I'm not saying all thiefs are poor, but most are, and the rest of them are also a direct result of this unfair trade system where people with more money are treated better than others, so people do all kinds of scams to make money.


Unknown parent


I am well aware of the example in Portugal and we probably give that example in the book from where this quote is. Actually I should have linked to it sooner… - if not is in another one.

I do not make "weird" points at all, all of our books are factual and sourced so much they are bleeding. Yes we use some stories at times, that are fictional, to add up to the point we try to make. But this is rare.

in reply to Tio

Oh ok, that makes sense. BTW, I would also like to say that there is a big difference between simply using a drug and becoming a drug addict, drugs have ruined many people's lives and they're much more likely to happen if you're poor and frustrated, I'm not saying rich people are immune to it, but the pressure put on people my the monetary system surely has a big impact. Also I think it has been shown that welfare programs and such can reduce this problem. @utopify_org
Unknown parent

Its always good to get feedbacks from newcomers :)