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Our Peertube instance will become better and better. Here's how:
  • We are enforcing our thematic and thus most BS videos will be removed. So there will be better quality videos.
  • With the new Peertube update we will be able to expand the storage space by a lot, at a cost is true, but we should be able to afford a lot more storage space than we have now, and keep the instance growing.
  • With the new Peertube update we will be able to follow individual users or channels. This is super great. We can finally curate the videos now. We will take the time to unfollow all instances and just follow certain users/channels that post sane content. This way we cna enable again the trending, latest, and such categories, so that others discover new content.
We will try to also find new creators to join our Peertube. This is going to be a long journey I hope, so buckle-up! #tromlive

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