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Hello.... goodbye (also, could use some migration assistance)

As the Federated Network Association is dissolving
Working on migrating my account to:

like wise, less some angel swoop into save the day, seems the first and original Diaspora pod ( will also be going down and with it my original Diaspora account.

From what I've noticed, when migrating a Friendica account, photos, saved searches, and saved folders get lost. Does anyone know if there is a way to effectively port over saved folders? (tedious as it is, figure settling on manually migrating the rest)

Also, regarding Diaspora migrations, does anyone know if account migration was ever completed, and if so, what all is included in the migration?

#Friendica #Diaspora #Federation #AccountMigration

in reply to Alien (A23P)

The migration "underwhelmingly" worked for me....
Didn't have to re-do the written profile, contacts ported over, and then just about everything else was lost. Posts, saved comments, saved folders, images.....
"Migration" basically just helped speed up re-adding contacts and filling out the written aspects of the profile while something certainly worked, the vast majority of the account history was lost.