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Had been aware of Ninjam, which found to work "o.k.", but a bit to involved for getting ones own private session up and running and while the "relative time" adherence to clock it calls for is workable, it's still nothing like free/real time.

Found Jamulus to be fairly straight forward and simple enough for what it was, but a bit more difficult to incorporate into a DAW and called for a bit of a more strict adherence to sample and bit rates.…

Just came across Sonobus. Looks VERY promising, though haven't yet fiddled with it yet.

"Seems" to really work out both DAW integration and flexible audio rate standards. Anyone had any experience jam/recording with it?

#Music #Sonobus #Jamulus #LongDistance #Jamming #Recording #Music #Production #DAW #Plugins #OpenSource #OSS