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We will not lie

The Alberta government tried to claim the electric utilities had asked for their idiotic and harmful moratorium on renewable energy, but the reverse was true.…

The CEO Mark Law who pushed back has now been forced out.

Before this moratorium which was followed by severe restrictions on solar and wind, Alberta was leading the country in renewable energy.

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#Fediverse Guide for Journalists and Publishers by Jan Hof of the Fediverse Report…

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September 13 through 16, the Canadian Wildlife Federation hosts the first ever Great Canadian Bioblitz! Join Canadians coast to coast in tracking #biodiversity. Anybody can use the free iNaturalist app to make observations of all the wild flora and fauna they can find — from moss and fungi to the tiniest insect to birds, mammals, trees and more. #Canada Register your participation at…
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That time when I used a cheap binocular and my phone to capture the moon behind a building. #moon #astrophotography
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Report: Israel Lays Siege to Jenin Hospitals

The Israeli siege of the occupied West Bank is the largest Israeli military offensive there since the Second Intifada.

When Israeli forces invaded in 2002, the northern city of Jenin was subject to some of the worst violence, with the Israeli military killing dozens of civilians & destroying hundreds of homes.

Many of the same tactics are being repeated in this latest assault.…

#WestBank #Jenin ..

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in reply to DrALJONES

We’re months into this genocide and I still can’t get my head around the supineness of Western nations towards a bunch of Zionist war criminals.
in reply to P Regina

ccing outline (last point is the answer, imo):

* Britain &, later, US created Israel for their own imperial interests;

* ww2 victors created the UN for their own interests & can veto UN decisions. US vetoes protect Israel;

* The UN relies on members to act on majority decisions, eg, sanction Israel;

* but many are client states of US, ie, won't sanction Israel - out of fear of retaliation via ISDS lawsuits.


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Two festivals in Edmonton Alberta Canada on Saturday

VegFest (vegan and animal rights lifestyle, tables, food, and speakers) and the Peace and Unity Festival (tables, song, poems, dance from different ethnic groups and supporters of migrants). The latter was forced to shutdown in the middle of the original event back in June when the community league called police claiming that their Palestinian and non-Zionist Jewish contributers were "hate speech". Outrageous but got little notice. This time in a different community hall it went without incident. Some very moving performers.
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#Lebanon: The Israeli enemy carried a wave of air strikes targeting the outskirts of a number of villages in the western sector (Tyre district), especially Zebqin forest

And the outskirts of:
- Majdal Zun
- Al-Jbeen
- Sheheen
- Alma al-Shaab
- Hamoul
- Wadi Hassan
- Naqoura

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The Israeli army has attacked a queue of people buying bread in front of a shelter for displaced Palestinians in the Jabalia refugee camp, in the northern Gaza Strip, killing at least five and injuring several others.


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in reply to earthling

Israel murders civilians waiting in line to buy bread, with full USA support.

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Juice Media Honest Government Ads: Japan vs Paul Watson

"On July 21 2024, Capt Paul Watson was arrested by Danish police... due to an international arrest warrant issued by Japan, related to his anti-whaling campaigns in the Antarctic more than a decade ago.

"Paul faces the possibility of extradition to Japan, where he could spend the rest of his life in prison."

Sep 5 is decision day

petition: FreePaulWatson.Org…

#PaulWatson #EuroPol #AusPol #Whaling #JapanPol ..

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Tell the Canadian Labour Congress to take a stand…

Canadian labour leader pressured to resign for anti-Israel post

Fred Hahn, President of CUPE Ontario and a long-time supporter of Palestinian rights, has been slandered by pro-Israel groups and Canadian politicians as "antisemitic" following a post he made on social media criticizing the involvement of Israeli athletes who served in the Israeli army in the Paris Olympics.

Despite reiterating that his "intent was never to associate Jewish people with the violence enacted by the state of Israel," the CUPE National Executive Board has called for Hahn to resign from his position as VP.

Stand with Fred Hahn - Send a Message to CUPE Now!…

GM7077 reshared this.

Support Capital Pride in their solidarity with Palestine

On August 6, Capital Pride, the LGBTQ2S+ organization that organizes Ottawa's annual pride parade, released a statement expressing solidarity with Palestine.

Following their statement, Capital Pride was slandered by pro-Israel groups, who falsely claimed that the statement was exclusionary and antisemitic, making some in the community unwelcome.

Following their lead, the Liberal Party of Canada, the University of Ottawa, the Bank of Canada, and the Ottawa Hospital, among other institutions, have shamefully decided to withdraw their participation.…

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Basic Income study: What was the effect of giving 1000 poor people in Texas and Illinois an extra $1000/month?

I'm not usually a fan of Sam Altman, but this is something cool he funded.

This study gave 1,000 people in Texas and Illinois $1,000/month over 3 years and collected large amounts of data on employment, health, housing, schooling, time use, entrepreneurship, and more.

The results are remarkable, a very strong argument for universal basic income.…

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in reply to fionag11

fionag11 tagged fionag11's status with #UBI

Basic Income study: What was the effect of giving 1000 poor people in Texas and Illinois an extra $1000/month?

I'm not usually a fan of Sam Altman, but this is something cool he funded.

This study gave 1,000 people in Texas and Illinois $1,000/month over 3 years and collected large amounts of data on employment, health, housing, schooling, time use, entrepreneurship, and more.

The results are remarkable, a very strong argument for universal basic income.


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I'm at big name pharmacy, asking for a quick covid test because I have symptoms. The pharmacist tells me almost nobody has had any for a while...

Not even if you pay for it... Just unavailable. She tells me they treat it like something you take Tylenol for so no tests...


#Montreal #Quebec #Covid

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in reply to GM7077

Hey I found one place in a 10 km radius that *may have some! They close at 4pm, obviously, so can't go today... Will check it out tomorrow because, obviously, they are closed on Sundays :)

#covid #quebec #healthcare

Those ubiquitous tip soliciting machines..

The tip may not even be going to the server.
If you want to leave a tip leave cash.

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Condemn Liberals for boycotting Capital Pride #boycott #pinkwashing #canpoli…

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National and territorial weather records broken or tied this year