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If in #Canada and love nature, you can participate in this!

Wherever you are in Canada, snap photos or capture sound recordings of everything you find – from iconic wildlife to tiny insects, from birds, bugs and bees to wild plants and trees. Upload them using the free iNaturalist app or online at, and you’ve helped take a “nature selfie” of Canada. You’ve also contributed to an active database scientists use to track and conserve biodiversity across Canada and around the world. AND you’ll also be eligible to win prizes by participating!…

Two festivals in Edmonton Alberta Canada on Saturday

VegFest (vegan and animal rights lifestyle, tables, food, and speakers) and the Peace and Unity Festival (tables, song, poems, dance from different ethnic groups and supporters of migrants). The latter was forced to shutdown in the middle of the original event back in June when the community league called police claiming that their Palestinian and non-Zionist Jewish contributers were "hate speech". Outrageous but got little notice. This time in a different community hall it went without incident. Some very moving performers.

Support Capital Pride in their solidarity with Palestine

On August 6, Capital Pride, the LGBTQ2S+ organization that organizes Ottawa's annual pride parade, released a statement expressing solidarity with Palestine.

Following their statement, Capital Pride was slandered by pro-Israel groups, who falsely claimed that the statement was exclusionary and antisemitic, making some in the community unwelcome.

Following their lead, the Liberal Party of Canada, the University of Ottawa, the Bank of Canada, and the Ottawa Hospital, among other institutions, have shamefully decided to withdraw their participation.…

yes, that is true. Still, due to first past the post we have a greatly distorted distribution of seats in parliament in comparison to the popular vote. The minority parties actually should have more seats and more clout.

2019 Election

Activity Hub - Follow Mastodon account?

Hello, I just joined Friendica on and I'm a little confused.

I thought Friendica was part of Activity Hub but under Protocols I don't see Activity Hub. and when I type a Mastodon account in Search eg my own: ,@Fiona Gregory it doesn't find it.

Should I be able to follow a Mastodon account on Friendica?