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Israeli raids destroyed water supply for 35,000 Palestinians in #Jenin

45 homes were left “completely uninhabitable” by Israeli forces, displacing 297 people, including 102 children.

Israeli bulldozers and heavy machinery tore up approximately 25 kilometres of roads, around 70 percent of all the city’s roads.

The destruction of the roads also damaged underlying water and sewage pipes, leaving approximately 35,000 residents without a #water supply since August 28.


fionag11 reshared this.

A Debate Tip for the Candidates — There’s a Correct Answer on Weapons to Israel

The correct answer is this: The United States will abide by its own laws and policies on any weapons sent to any ally.…

Several of those laws, and the policies that derive from them, curtail American weapons going to countries that have violated or are violating the rules governing war. The federal Foreign Assistance Act prohibits security assistance to any government that restricts the delivery of U.S. humanitarian aid. The better-known Leahy laws, championed by now-retired Vermont Democratic Sen. Patrick Leahy, prohibits weapons from going to military units that have committed gross violations of human rights.

#human-rights-watch #human-rights #hrw #debate #israel #palestine #gaza #west-bank #war #conflict #weapons

in reply to fionag11

𝕕𝕚𝕒𝕟𝕖𝕒 🏳️‍⚧️🦋 is ignored

fionag11 reshared this.

#Gaza #Palestine

Israeli forces killed at least five Palestinians in the occupied West Bank city of Tubas on Wednesday, as it continued mass raids across the territory, including by detaining emergency service workers.

The five men were killed in an Israeli air strike at dawn near al-Tawhid mosque in Tubas.

The Palestinian Red Crescent Society (PRCS) said it received the bodies after Israeli authorities initially prevented ambulances from reaching the site.…

✡️ 🇵🇸 ☮️

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fionag11 reshared this.

Canadian Foreign Minister Mélanie Joly suspends 30 permits for arms sales to Israel and will block U.S.-bound ammunition sale destined for IDF #Gaza #Canada

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fionag11 reshared this.

As I prepare a new blog post for #TheFutureisFederated, I am curious about something:

How many #Fediverse accounts do you have (including content aggregators and federated #Wordpress sites)?

I went from 1 to 9 in just 3 months! 🙈🙊

  • Just 1 (40%, 116 votes)
  • 2-3 (37%, 110 votes)
  • 4-6 (13%, 40 votes)
  • 7 or more (8%, 24 votes)
290 voters. Poll end: 1 week ago

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in reply to ⁂ Elena Rossini ⁂ ✏️✨📸

just one actual one, however I do technically have one on that I just ping with my experimental project that depending on your interpretation could count as like 10 accounts maybe but I don't count those because with both im not actually interacting with the fedi
in reply to Ivy [_gay] Mae :fire_trans:

@ivy thanks for sharing! It's really cool to hear about people's different experiences here... like, now all of a sudden I'm tempted to create bots 🤗

fionag11 reshared this.

The carnage paid for by our US tax dollars:

“This WAS a shelter for displaced civilians that had 20 TENTS in Al-Mawasi Khan Yonis. This is a ‘designated SAFE ZONE’.

#Israel bombed it using 2000 pounds American MK bombs. Everything is gone, leaving behind 10 meter deep craters.”…

GM7077 reshared this.

Petition for a decent and humane Disability Benefit in Canada

From deeply unreasonable eligibility requirements to a measly maximum of just $6 a day – the Canadian government’s current proposals for the CDB fall short of their promise to lift millions out of poverty.…

fionag11 reshared this.

These 9 metres deep craters used to be a refugee camp, dozens of tents housing hundreds of forcibly displaced human beings. All gone.

American bombs did this.

C: @ihcentoo on X

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fionag11 reshared this.

“GAZA LIVE BLOG: Half Million Protest in Israel | UN: Starvation Campaign | US Postpones Proposal | Massacre in Beit Lahia – Day 337”

by Palestine Chronicle Staff


“The Israeli army continued to storm several villages, towns and refugee camps in the occupied West Bank.”…

#Press #Gaza #WestBank #Jenin #Tulkarn #Hebron #Ramallah #Palestine #Resistance #Israel #Genocide #WarCrimes #EthnicCleansing #Hamas #PermanentCeasefireNoW

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Sign a petition to protest harsh sentences given to UK climate change activists for 'conspiracy'…

Meanwhile in Burma

The situation in Khin-U Township has spiraled into a crisis of unimaginable proportions. For four consecutive days, the military junta has unleashed a campaign of terror, systematically setting fire to villages and leaving devastation in its wake. Since September 2, eight villages in the northern part of Khin-U have been torched, displacing thousands and obliterating entire communities.…

GM7077 reshared this.

Tell the Canadian government to commit to an Emissions Cap…

She was there to prevent militant settlers attacking and burning Palestinian homes and agriculture. She was shot in the head by Israeli soldiers protecting the settlers

Turkish American peace activist was murdered in cold blood by IDF with a shot on the head.

Do not expect Biden, Blinken or WH press secretary calling her an American hero and her murderers for barbarians and calling for sanctions of IDF for their criminal actions in occupied West Bank.

Not all Americans are treated equally. She didn't go there to kill Palestinian children. So her death will not be called "heroic" and the murderers to be held accountable.

#WestBank #Terrorism #IDF #Hypocrisy #Turkey #Murder #Biden #Blinken #palestine #Israel #Occupation #Apartheid #Politics

in reply to fionag11

He has a detailed profile which ends with "Most of the time I am talking with Aliens" so make of that what you will.
in reply to fionag11

Just put him on my ignore list, have no time dealing with yet another German BS poster

fionag11 reshared this.

On Tuesday Rafat and Nurs Abu Al-Kian, #Arab residents of the Negev with #Israel citizenship, made their way from their home to #Jerusalem, Dekal, Highway 60. Near the village of Khirbat Karma, soldiers stopped them and ordered them to get out of their vehicle while holding weapons to their heads, after which they were brutally beaten.

- Edan Solomon, Haaretz

fionag11 reshared this.

in reply to GM7077

Rafat and Nurs shouted that they had blue ID cards, but the soldiers were not interested at any point. And when they asked to go from there to the Soroka hospital because they were wounded, one of the soldiers threatened that if they did so he would shoot them.

(The matter is under #IDF "investigation".)


It's not an occupation, it's not an apartheid system, it's the only democracy in the region fighting to defend western values. It's their right to defend themselves.

Shut up and don't be an anti-Semite.

#WestBank #palestine #Israel #Occupation #Apartheid #Politics

We will not lie

The Alberta government tried to claim the electric utilities had asked for their idiotic and harmful moratorium on renewable energy, but the reverse was true.…

The CEO Mark Law who pushed back has now been forced out.

Before this moratorium which was followed by severe restrictions on solar and wind, Alberta was leading the country in renewable energy.

This entry was edited (1 week ago)

fionag11 reshared this.

#Fediverse Guide for Journalists and Publishers by Jan Hof of the Fediverse Report…

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