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Free Xenon is going live - #285 (Sat, 29 Oct 2022)

Free Xenon is going live

#285 (Sat, 29 Oct 2022)

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@ 2:00pm (US CST) Free Xenon will go live! Come on over and join us for great leftist conversation. Grab your fresh N95 mask by the door.

#274 (Sat, 6 Aug 2022) - A US Library Defunded? | 3.5% Population in Peaceful for Change | Uber Does NOT have to be Wheelchair Accessible

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#273 (Sat, 30 Jun 2022) - The Capitalocene | Enlightenment 2.0 Needed | Switching to Sustainable Energy Saves Mone

@ 2:00pm (US CST) Free Xenon will go live! Come on over and join us for great leftist conversation. Grab your fresh N95 mask by the door.

#274 (Sat, 6 Aug 2022) - A US Library Defunded? | 3.5% Population in Peaceful for Change | Uber Does NOT have to be Wheelchair Accessible

Come watch me on:

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#272 (Sat, 25 Jun 2022) - Cleaner Air = More Warming? I New Assault Rifle 2X Powerful | Monkeypox a Public Health Emergency

@ 2:00pm (US CST) Free Xenon will go live! Come on over and join us for great leftist conversation. Grab your fresh N95 mask by the door.

#272 (Sat, 25 Jun 2022) - Cleaner Air = More Warming? I New Assault Rifle 2X Powerful | Monkeypox a Public Health Emergency

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in reply to James O'Neill

Looks interesting, although due to the T&C I cannot post there, because I mostly post leftist (RBE) politics with some sustainable energy and future tech stuff. =(

Does that platform allow live streaming to it like Twitch?

#271 (Sat, 16 Jul 2022) - France Requires Ethics for PHD's | School Ends B4 Work Day Ends? | Cryptos Quitting Texas

@ 2:00pm (US CST, a bout 15 mins) Free Xenon will go live! Come on over and join us for great leftist conversation. Grab your fresh N95 mask by the door.

#271 (Sat, 16 Jul 2022) - France Requires Ethics for PHD's | School Ends B4 Work Day Ends? | Cryptos Quitting Texas

Come watch me on:

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#268 (Sat, 25 Jun 2022) - Roe Vs Wade Ended | Miranda Rights gone | Ants Sniff Cancer

@ 2:00pm (US CST) Free Xenon will go live! Come on over and join us for great leftist conversation. Grab your fresh N95 mask by the door.

#268 (Sat, 25 Jun 2022) - Roe Vs Wade Ended | Miranda Rights gone | Ants Sniff Cancer

Come watch me on:

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#267 (Sat, 18 Jun 2022) - Elon Musk being sued for $258 billion | Maslow's Hierarchy is Bullshit | $15 Mill Reparations for each African American

@ 2:00pm (US CST) Free Xenon will go live! Come on over and join us for great leftist conversation. Grab your fresh N95 mask by the door.

#267 (Sat, 18 Jun 2022) - Elon Musk being sued for $258 billion | Maslow's Hierarchy is Bullshit | $15 Mill Reparations for each African American

Come watch me on:

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in reply to James O'Neill

In this 3 hour live stream we covered the following links:

** FYI **

* Abby Martin: ‘Coups and Regime Change Wars Define U.S.’s Naked Imperialism’ @ 2022 People’s Summit for Democracy (YouTube, 12 mins)
* Halestorm - Terrible Things - just listen to the lyrics (Official Video, Lyrics @ Genius)

** Capitalism's Sicknesses **

* Elon Musk is being sued for $258 billion because of Dogecoin (PC Gamer, June 2022)
* Maslow's Hierarchy is Bullshit (Substack, Jun 2022)
* After Reparations Study Suggests $151 Million for Each African American, Experts Say Money Alone Isn't Enough (Newsweek, July 2020)
* WTO Cannot Continue as Barrier to COVID-19 Medicines (Newsweek, June 2022)

** Science and Future Technology **

* This European airline just ordered a fleet of airships (CNN, Jun 2022)
* In Test Tubes, RNA Molecules Evolve Into a Tiny Ecosystem (Quanta Magazine, May 2022)
* What foods will 9.3 billion people be eating in 2050? (Freethink, May 2022)…

The Cancer of Capitalism and Its Antidote (FreeXenon, Nov 2017)…

The 8 Philosophical Pillars For Peace Within Humanity @ Interstellar New Deal…

My Political Policy Site - interstellar New Deal